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Daughters 21st

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well this turned out to be an eventful trip, went up to Sheffield with my wife, youngest daughter (19) and her friend, to have a drink with my eldest for her 21st.
My youngest was driving the car in front, she shot off up the A14 and decided to wait for us in a layby, as we came along side, she see us and pulled out right in front of us affraid , how we didn't collide I really don't know, the wife was driving our car and had a car beside her so had to just slam the brakes on and hope, it was sooooooo close you wouldn't beleive it.
so anyway we arrived intact and alive and had a nice evening out, at 12:30 the pubs shut so we all went back to the hotel, except my youngest, her mate and a mate of my eldests boyfriend who went with them to make sure all was ok.
04:00 the phone rings, here we go, my youngest had got totally out of her face and had fell down and smacked her head, and was now in an ambulance on the way to A&E with expected head injuries.
9 hours later she was given the all clear and we got back to the hotel just in time to check out and get the tram back to the car, with a 2 hour drive home and we are all knackered, neadless to say we all slept for about 15 hours and I'm still here to tell the story. What a bloody day that was.

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All's fine mate, she just managed to frighten us to bloody death both times, she was no better as a kid, always up the hospital, drank bleach, drank floor cleaner, spilt tea down her, fell on a stiletto and on and on, never had a single incident withe eldest.

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glad it worked out ok in the end thumbs

ive 2 daughters myself 25 / 28
chalk and cheese and like yours its always been the youngest thats had the mishaps etc.

would boys have been easier ?
prob not Laughing

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