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Like the Good Old Days.......

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....been off work this week, & I've just got in from a visit to Wallingford, Oxfordshire. So that rounds off my week's mileage on the bike to a bit over 800. It's a long time since I racked up that sort of distance in a week. Most enjoyable Very Happythumbs

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Well done Alan was it on main roads most of the way LaughingLaughingLaughingthumbs

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@Stue11 wrote:
Well done Alan was it on main roads most of the way LaughingLaughingLaughingthumbs

Yes apart from the odd stretch where there was grass growing in the middle of the road Wink

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@Stue11 wrote:
Well done Alan was it on main roads most of the way LaughingLaughingLaughingthumbs

Yes apart from the odd stretch where there was grass growing in the middle of the road Wink

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@madsod wrote:
nice one but thats a few ££££££ on fuel SadSadSad
His bike runs on fresh air thumbs

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