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Bit of EMRA footage from yesterday

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This is the roadstocks race 2, with 4 tenths of a second separating the top 5 riders best lap times and shows what happens when the front 3 all try and enter Edwina's chicance at the same time on the last lap No

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Gutting that..he was picking em of one by one Sad

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@Davehutch wrote:
was that your son ??

Not with the camera on the bike, no. Laddo was on the old orange kwak that was dicing with him most of the way and on the left of the 3 on that last corner.

I was watching at Edwina's on that race, and all 3 bikes came together, with the biggest impact between the Nick on the R6 (camera bike) and the Suzuki on the right - the Suzi went down, Nick thought he'd saved it but a second impact saw him go down as well.

Fair bit of damage to the R6 and his carbon fibre helmet is totalled, the Suzi fared about the same but unfortunately the rider was hurt enough to have the doctors attend and cart him away to hospital with some broken ribs.

Seems that even racing stock bikes can be fun...

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