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Zen and the Art....

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....of Motorcycle Maintenance. Quite by chance a young workmate of mine got to asking me about it, and I sort of wondered- is there anyone on here who's read it, and what did you think? First time I read I guess would be late 70's early 80's, and I've read it twice since, plus odd chunks of it if I happen to find it when looking for something else. You know how it is. Am I just an ageing weirdo or do others share my passion for this seminal book? Smile

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read it many years ago and enjoyed it maybe another reads in order, it was also a play on radio 4 not so long back which was also good thumbsthumbs

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Same for me. Think I read it in the late 70's. Had forgotten all about it. Like the old liquorice imps I used to buy dont know why this reminded me of them tumble weed

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I read it sometime in the late 80s and thought it was rubbish. Then again when I read/listen/see stuff that I did like from that long ago, I mostly think it's crap now.

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