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what is MAG?

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MAG are strating a local group, just wondered what its about i know its the action group, and they did the protests but what is it fully about i an make much sense

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What it's about will depend upon the local membership, particularly the reps. Some tackle mainly local issues such as use of bus lanes, local road surfaces etc, others prefer to concentrate on lobbying by mail and email to local councillors and of course MPs. They generally run a rally or similar fundraiser for both local and central funds. It's actually what you make it to a large extent Chad. If you have a bee in your bonnet about diesel spills, poor road surfacing or whatever, get it on the agenda and do something about it. Smile

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launch night wednesday 7th november,. ill try and make it. fed up with roads round here, sure dave, rich or robbie will tell you their not great in kent.

and the spot where i got knocked off i feel should have double yellows as people park on the junction and thats why the driver ddi not see me and i went into the side of him.

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launch night wednesday 7th november,. ill try and make it. fed up with roads round here, sure dave, rich or robbie will tell you their not great in kent.

and the spot where i got knocked off i feel should have double yellows as people park on the junction and thats why the driver ddi not see me and i went into the side of him.

There's your start then dude. Make yourself known to the area rep who will be setting this up, and he/she can give you some guidance.

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Good in theory. I used to support them.
Got a bit embarrassing when the local one
Was run by a guy with a non-running bike
and who hasn't past his test! Some folk had
too much interest in getting the right to ride
without helmets or camping in a muddy field.

I hope things have moved on,
There's the potential to do a lot of good
and supporting them is no bad thing.

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Sadly Tony I think in many respects you're spot on. It has changed, but still plenty to go in my view. I quit the organisation for pretty much those reasons but I'd never discourage someone from having a go. Smile

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