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The Restaurant

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One day two guys were passing a restaurant. Outside was a sign saying 'We can provide any meal. If we cant we will pay £1000'
Intrigued the two guys went in and thought they would put it to the test.
The waiter came over and they ordered 'elephants foot pate' for starters.
The meal duly arrived and they tucked in.
For the main they ordered two 'Tiger steaks'. The waiter came back with the two steaks. For desert they decided to have 'chocolate coated turtles eggs'. The waiter duly obliged. After the meal the two men called the manager and said they didnt belive what they had was the genuine food. So the waiter took them back into the kitchen. He opened the freezer and inside was an elephant minus one foot, a tiger who had been butchered and a female turtle.
Amazed the two men asked if the restaurant had ever been caught out. The manager smiled and said 'Yes once. A couple came in and one asked for mermaids tits on toast. Trouble is we had run out of bread!'

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