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Okay so i had my tuono clutch bled when serviced to see if it stopped the snatching into gear and it didnt work so ive got a brand new oberon slave cylinder on the way. but lee at motoworks has used blue clutch fluid? do i need to use blue or does normal dot4 do the same? why has he used blue? ive never seen it before  Laughing 

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Okay so i had my tuono clutch bled when serviced to see if it stopped the snatching into gear and it didnt work so ive got a brand new oberon slave cylinder on the way. but lee at motoworks has used blue clutch fluid? do i need to use blue or does normal dot4 do the same? why has he used blue? ive never seen it before  Laughing 

The blue-ness itself doesn't make any operational difference Chad so any DOT4 will do, the biggest advantage of different coloured fluid is to make it easier to see when the old stuff is flushed out when renewing. Obviously some fluids are better performing than others but that's down to the specs not the colour.

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It's the sort of thing pretentious Italian motorcycle buffs do.


btw Oberon cylinder is a sound move, but you will still need to periodically bleed the clutch line.  Smile 

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It's the sort of thing pretentious Italian motorcycle buffs do.


btw Oberon cylinder is a sound move, but you will still need to periodically bleed the clutch line.  Smile 

well the aprillia one has lasted 9k miles, there were cheap aftermarket ones but pay cheap pay twice so just spent out £96 for one :/ but hopefully itll last! and ill just get it bled at it services, mark itll have a full 12k mile service with valves etc done!

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fitted! clutch is right in now not out. does still snatch a little bit at times, but may need bedding in?

out of dry chain lube thought now so better go get some!

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