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Ocean Reflections

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The Ocean's Reflection

Such vast glorious beauty. where the horizon meets the waters edge, and the sun reflects back to the unlimited sky. this is the place, the place where my roots must energize, where I draw strength from Gods glory.

This is what enlivens my soul and brings peace to my mind. Even as I close my eyes refusing to see such beauty in my pain, my pain of loss and betrayal, a betrayal of the heart so deep when I spoke true, when my body and heart were pure as my mind was not.

This, this is where I have come to reflect on my life with a wish and a desire for no more pain, for the wisdom and strength to let go, of what is no longer.

For if after so long I am not known, the real me, heart, body, mind and soul, then... it IS time to let go.

Here, is where you will remain along side my father, my deep love for you buried on the ocean floor, in order to set you free, without a fight, without a whimper, my one desire to give you your wish to be free of me and see you happy once more.

Yes even with my eyes closed to such beauty, I know it is there, for I can hear it's strength dulling the sound of my sorrow, when the waves pound the shore, I can hear the sea gull's cry in such joy and freedom, I can feel the cold wind blow my hair bringing the ocean's fragrance that still's my fear of the unknown, giving me the strength that I have been searching for.

As the red haze leaves my closed eyes, I can see the ocean's reflection, rise up in its stead, yes God is good for he has given me a safe haven, a place to come when I am in pain, A place to come when I am dying to share a joy, a place to draw strength and peace from. The one place I feel HIM close about me, filling my soul, healing the sorrow and sharing the joy of my return.

All in The Ocean's Reflection

Copyright:copyright:2001-2050 Sandra Moore

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