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Old Spice's TexMod Ground Textures v1.0

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Designer:  Old Spice
Original Creator: Old Spice
Requires:  Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 (RCT3:Wild! and RCT3:Soaked! may be required)
Public Domain:  Yes
Language:  English
Bugs: none


Ha ha! I found the TexMod program and have put it to use. Included in the download are 2 .tpf files; Extras.tpf and Ground.tpf. These are files used by the "TexMod" program and injects the textures directly into the game without changing any game files.

Ground.tpf contains realistic replacements of all in game terrains and cliffs. They are x2 the resolution of the org game textures and at 512x res. Future releases will contain different resolutions.

Extras.tpf contains several select textures. 1024x star map, slightly detailed clouds, modified sky color map, removed galaxy "band" texture, and modified light glow/ halo texture.

These files can be used together or by themselves. I take no responsibility if you mess anything up. Use at your own risk, but everything on my end has worked just fine.




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