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My pet Woofy

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This is my pet Woofy wearing different clothes.

 5649_114.jpg 5209_117.jpg 5649_115.jpg 5729_111.jpg 9320_111.jpg 9320_112.jpg 9320_115.jpg 11040_10.jpg n1845210.jpg actor11.jpg premie11.jpg pumpki11.jpg starle11.jpg 11057_12.jpg 11057_13.jpg

I am buying new clothes and decorating my rooms. There will be new pictures soon.

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cute pet u have^^
welcome to the forum tromo^^
hope u going to have a great time here with us !
cant wait to see ur other pictures =)

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Thank you glow88.
I am waiting the bat effect to wore off to put 4 new pictures.

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Hi Tromo3

Welcome to the group Smile

Please can you add a valid facebook link to your profile...this is part of the groups rules Ashamed
You can have a look HERE and if you need any help then you can always post in the forum help and advice thread and someone will do their best to help you xx

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Joke wrote:
she's a cutie, looks good as marilyn monroe!

hi jake. can you please take a look at your facebook link? it's not working correctly. please make sure you copy and paste your profile url not the home page. let me know if you need help with this. thanks!

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