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My brother

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I have a problem with my brother. He is so ungratheful. I did him about a 100 favors, but he rarely accepts my favors. I do him a lot of things, he rarely.He makes a mess in the room with toys than I must clean.He behaves like he doesn't like me so much.

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Hi Tromo3

Your brother is vey young, and his attitude is normal for his age.

There will come a time when he is older that he will realise all you have done for him when you were growing up. And I bet your Mum already appreciates you, and everything you do to help out.

Could you try talking to your Mum, tell her how you are feeling? Explain that you are happy to help out, but you are feeling that your Brother is taking you for granted and is being ungrateful.

The worse thing you can do is argue with him, even though it is hard not to.

Maybe just walk away from him ,even if you just lock youself in the bathroom for 5 minutes while you count ot 10, it really can work!

Take care
Agony Aunt

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Tromo3 wrote:
Now he started to say things to make me punished 80% lies.

sorry sweetie, but that is what brothers and sisters do. Try not to react to it and just say calmly I didn't do that ..the more you react and shout about it the more he will do it ...xxx

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hunni you need to stay calm...if you start getting upset, and arguing back with him, then it will only make matters worse.

Maybe wait till things have calmed down then try talking to your Mum...ask her if you can have a chat to her on her own, without your brother around and explain what is happening and how it is making you feel

I hope you can get it sorted

Big hugs to you :friends:

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Tell your Mum, quietly and politely what is going on. Mothers aren't stupid, they know their kids better than the kids think they do, she will be grateful for your mature attitude, I bet she gets enough yelling from your brother.

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