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Eurovison ( Late question)

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For those who live in Europe:
It is late I know, but What was your favourite song from Eurvision 2009. My was from Azerbeijan and Albania.

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Did anyone watched today Junior Eurovision?
My were favourite are Ukraine and Belarus.

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the kids eurovision, i didn't know when is it..
and from the eurovision, i don't remember anymore, it was long ago... Ashamed

but i was on the 2008 eurovision, cause it was here, in belgrade, and i got the tickets for free..
it was AWESOME.... Laughing

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hm... can't really remember all the names but i think germany (the moulin rouge look a like), arash (can't remember the name now) and 1-2 more.. congratulations

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yeah, i think germany was nice, and alexander (the winner),.... he is HOT! congratulationscongratulationscongratulationscongratulationscongratulations

hahaha... but the song is great too congratulations

and serbia's cipela (shoe, in english -.- ) was soooooooo lame... i can't belive it went trough beovision (the comp where they see who is going to reperesent serbia on eurovision)
greece had a fantastic show, but the song isn't something special........

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