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I lost my job

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I lost my job!! looking for a miracle that I would get hire soon and be at the right company with getting paid th right amount of money with excellent benefits, good adminstration team. I could go into details but I just need your prayers. Many of you know I just moved out. So I need a job soon. God will se me through..

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All things Work together for Good for those that fear the Lord..
He is in the throne..Blessed be his name..
See how much you have changed..Glory to God..
He will provide!
Praying for you Sister..Praying
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You.

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The beautiful thing about the Lord is that nothing surprises him. He has an answer in place before we know we need an answer. I like what MB said "All things work together for good for those that 'love' the Lord"...I was just listening to a message about this scripture this morning and the preacher said...EVERYTHING is used by God, whether it's good or bad, our fault or others fault...God uses it for OUR good. Just know that if God allowed this to happen to you, He is going to work it for YOUR good.

Don't allow fear to paralyze you because it will. God didn't open the door for your new place to put you out...TRUST HIM!! I'm so excited to see what he's going to do in your life.

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Thank MB and Cholette.. I went to an interview today and which was another school and I was not pleased...I am praying a good solid job with great benefits and excellent salary come.. I am so tired of losing jobs... Thank you for time and prayers... Bless you both

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