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My friend is having court today

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He's battling with a really bad injury....where he lives in severe neck/shoulder pain every day. He says that sneezing is the worst, that it sends intense pain throughout his body. He's going to court for a settlement this morning. Please come into agreement with me for him to have favor and that the Lord would have His way in all of this, but that it will all come to a close today (a final resolution). He's been living without the therapy he needs for almost 3 years now since the accident occurred. His doctors have said that he'll need therapy for the rest of his life, so he also needs a healing. I feel that God wants to heal him (I had prayed for him the other day, when my neck and shoulder started aching extremely bad. I then felt a sensation of my head being lifted up, moved around...like in physical therapy...then placed down really gently and deep into my pillow. After that I felt a rush over my entire body, which I believe was Holy Spirit fixing something.).

Please keep him in your prayers today....court is very stressful, but he knows that God is faithful, so he's going in prepared. Thanks family.

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I am praying for your friend Christa that the unmerited favor that rightfully belongs to him will manifest exceedingly and abundantly beyond what he can think of or imagine. I am praying that the divine health that Jesus purchased for him will saturate him from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet...even into the joints and the muscles. God is faithful and it is already a finished work and we call it DONE in the name of Jesus Christ!!! To God be the Glory!!!

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