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Anxiety for years...

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This is new to me posting my life for so many to see. I want to give you a better understanding of what I go through with this anxiety of mine. It started with an abusive relationship I had when I was 17-23 years of age. I didn't have anxiety until that relationship. The feeling of having no control over any aspect of my life just surfaced one night as I was eating dinner and we had an argument in public. He started verbally attacking me as always and I guess after years of surpressing, my throat closed up (or so I thought) and I had my first full blown attack. My life has never been the same since. I take meds on a daily basis and I don't remember what life was like when I was my old self. This may sound crazy to someone that has never had this problem, but I assure you anxiety takes control over your life.

To conclude, I have a wonderful Chrisitan husband who loves and supports me, and is the exact opposite of my old realtionship. But anxiety doesn't just go away. My last resort, which should have been my first resort, is to have some serious praying going on for me. I spend the majority of my time praying for others and often don't think of myself. I hope that someone is willing to do this for me. My husband and i are still looking for a home church, and you all are all I have. If God lays it upon your heart to pray for me, please let me know.

Thank you so much.


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Hi yoj:)
I'd like to pray with you.
Dear Father, You already know the situation, but we bring it before you as You are our Lord, our Saviour, our Healer. We thank you for Your love for yoj and we pray Your healing over the trauma that has happened to her in the past. Lord, You are the Only One that can heal totally and completely. Lord, we ask You to pour out Your love over yoj, surround her with Your peace, fill her with good thoughts and help her to live life, as You meant it. We ask You that in the name of Jesus, amen.

I speak JOY and LIFE out over you, yoj.

Cry out to God, every time that anxiety tries to take a hold of you, they don't have to be big prayers, just speak/shout His name, wait/sit in His presence, He is Abba, your heavenly Daddy and He wants to heal you, but you need to ask Him and surrender those parts in your soul that are hurting to Him. His Holy Spirit already lives in you, ask Him to expand in all areas of your life. Try to accept His healing and His peace to come and fill you, any time! Also speak the Word, speak the names of Jesus, in particular when you feel an anxiety attack coming or are in the middle of one. Find scriptures you can quote in those times and even to just meditate on in between during the day, and put your name in the verses. Eg.Phillipians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me: and Phill 4: 6-7: "I will not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and with thanksgiving, present my requests to God. And the peace of God, which goes above all understanding, will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus". There are so many scriptures that are effective, find the ones that speak to you. If you need more, let me know and I'll get u some more. Print them out and keep them somewhere where you can see them and quote them easily. They are the Word, and have Life, and are mighty weapons in this warfare you're in.
God BLESS you!

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I really want to thank you both.


I needed to hear what you had to say. I'm not sure why it never crossed my mind to call out God, to Jesus. I guess during panic you are so worried about not losing control that you don't think about what is important. But God is peace, and does love me, and I am sure you are right. He will bring peace when I call on him. Thank you!

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