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PS hacking

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My friend has Google which when you type something it shows very possible link and when I was typeing Petsociety I ofund Petsociety hacking.

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Tromo everybody knows there are hacking sites out there ..but you don't have to visit them. Just keep away from the dangerous sites and keep your self and your computer safe

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unfortunatly you can find anything you want outthere... some are "dangerous"... by that i mean: viruses, trojan horses, hacking to your pages, etc... as for the ps... if you do improper use you may get deleted from the game.. but only if you cheat just keep your eyes open for sites that may harm your pc... forgrt about the rest... no one can stop this post and websites... they will just open another one... Sad

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also at you tube u can find ways to hack but i agree with the other people its dangerous for ur pc.....
btw its not something strange i believe that maaaaaaaaaaaany people like hacking and make profit of it......i know people who trade 2008 rare items and started to play ps not long ago ...........................

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that's a veeeeeeeeeeeeery common fact... and btw... people cheat in a looooooooot of games in maaaaaaaaany ways! online, pc, xbox, playstasion, wii, ANYTHING imaginable... with obvious or not so obvious ways... even the mb glitch that almost ALL players use is some type of cheating... it's not wrong but we are exploiting a glitch xaxa! it doesn't really matter as long as you don't affect the others.. anyway... just keep your eyes open and be veeery carefull in which sites are you getting into! congratulations (for your pc mostly.. congratulations )

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threre is a difference between a glich and a cheat

a glich it a way of working around the programme, where as cheats actually alter the game programming. The normally hack into the games database and either alter or copy the information in there.

To do a lot of cheats you need to download a cheat engine onto your pc.
Playfish have access to who has this cheat engine on their pc and can and will close down accounts they find to be using one.

Plus cheat engines are well known ways of getting viruses and spyware on your pc so it is strongly recommended you stay away from them

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