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Good Morning 17th December

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Gooooood Morning Everybody ...8 days to go ...who is getting excited now???

I've got a list of things as long as my arm to do in the next couple of days ...getting stressed just thinking about it LaughingLaughing

What are your plans ...????

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I hope that everything goes easy for your Kasi Smile I'm still pretty stressed today, I keep having these moments of just frustration :S I want to feel the Christmas spirit!! I can't believe that there is only 9 days left! Wow, it's going by so fast this year and still so much to do. I'm going to be shopping on the 24th if I keep this up :S

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i'm really excited about Xmas! this morning i finished my gifts and i'm so happy about this! i'm just a little bit worried because i've so much to study so i don'y have much time to enjoy these days Sad

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In the end though it will be all worth it congratulations I'm too old for the santa thing now, so I basically know what I'm getting every year, but me and my cousin and everyone n my dad's side of the family go to my nana's house on boxing day and have big meal and stuff, It's really nice to have alot of family around you. Then my nana tell's my 4 year old cousin Stella and my other 1 year old cousin Ruby santa's left present's for them, the look on their faces is amazing, seeing them really excited and happy congratulations Haha can't wait now congratulations

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good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this x-mas i am planning to go snowboarding hohoho
but 24 i want to open my door to every child knocking it and listen carols............love it....btw i bought andrea's boccelli x-mas cd i'm speechless its amazing.......

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Good morning! It's 7am here and I'm just putting on my uniform for the last day of actual school because tomorrow is talent show.

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Hi everyone! I've been so busy with holiday stuff I haven't been around much since I first started here. I'm going to try to be around more. Smile

I am just finishing up some custom photo calendars for all my son's grandparents. I have to get those printed (next day) and do a TON of shipping and wrapping but I think all my SHOPPING is done. All our family lives out of state which makes it tough. But I'm in the spirit! :dancing:

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Here things are rather quiet. My husband should be home in a few and we're going to go and get our turkey for Christmas dinner. We had actually planned to leave on Sunday, and then come back on the 2nd. Now we're just going to be here for all the holidays. I won't miss the rest of the Christmas stuff, but still...It's a bit depressing all the same.

Tomorrow we are going to Mainz to tour the large church in the center of town with the choir, and then afterwards we'll have dinner.

The days leading up to Christmas will be nice, but the day itself I fear will be rather lonely.

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I HATE SCHOOL! It ruins all the fun Snow has fallen and a really GREAT one. But can't play in cause of school and homework. The day after tommorow I will go out with my friend and play all day in snow.

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