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My mom's door knob

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Pls pray that my mom's door knob gets unlocked. We can't unlock it. If it stays lock. My mom and sister may have to sleep in my room and my bed is not big enough for all of us. There's no other place to sleep except the couch downstairs and my mom would never sleep on that. My room is a mess too! Please PRAY! crying

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How come they don't unscrew the doorknob and open it that way?

The other day, I was locked in the upstairs bathroom at my mothers house. The knob on the bathroom door is crazy and when I closed it, it locked on its own. I didn't have my cell phone with me and I was the only one there. I prayed and shook the door for a few minutes and it opened.

I didn't have anything to unscrew the doorknob, in my case, but it's the way to do it until you can get the mechnism in the door fixed. Don't cry girl...FIGHT!! Where there is a will, there is a way!!

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Praise God! I made a hole in the door and put my hand through it and turned the lock. I knew God was telling me to break the door!

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