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He did not seek Yahweh's help... so he died...

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...Asa developed a serious foot disease. Even when the disease became life threatening, he did not seek Yahweh's help but sought help only from his physicians. So he died...

2 chronicles 16:12-13 (only the last half of 12 and first part sentence of 13)

This was somewhat of an revelation to me. He died because he did not ask God for help!! How many people die because they don't ask God to help them? How often have I forgotten God in the midst of an illness or pain in the behind circumstance, only to ask advice from the doctor or from friends? Good grief what how different things could have turned out if I had asked God First!

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i ask myself that same question pretty much everyday. Then i realize the time i spent wondering why i didnt ask God i should have used it to get closer to him. bandaid

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