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selling 3 rooms

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Picture 1

1) Queen's Throne 7*999

2) Fortune Teller Stool 2*999

3) Luxurious Armchair 1*999

4) Tike Folding Screen 2*999

5) Playfish 2009 Holiday 1*999 SOLD stay 1

6) School Portrait 1*999

7) Anteater Plushie 1*999

picture 2

1) Nutcracker Soldier Teddy 3*999

2) Vegetable Soup 1*999

3) Golden Poo 2*999 Stay 1

4) Yellow Cab Decor 3*999

5) Monster Couch 7*999 SOLD

6) Mouling Rouge Miniature 5*999 SOLD

7) Jesters Hat 4*999

8) Red Space Pants 3*999

9) Mini Snowman Decor 3*999

10) Mini Festive Tree Decor 3*999

11) Spooky Lava Lamp 7*999

12) Biggest Brain Bust 3*999

13) DIirector's Chair 1*999

14) Tike Candle 3*999

picture 3

1) Toxic Barrel 3*999

2) Snow Globe 2*999

3) Clapboard Decor 2*999

4) Palette Decor 2*999

5) Mega Pancakes 1*999

6) King BUrger 1*999

7) Modern Black Couch 1*999

8) Festive Turkey 1*999

9) Giant HOtdog 1*999

10) Yellow Cab 3*999

11) Piano 8*999




There is currently a hack out which people are using to clone the new anteater plushie.

Please beware that if you trade for an anteater plushie you are very likely to be buying a cloned item, and so it is not worth a huge amount.

Please take care when trading and remember there are always trade referees around to assist you.
Trade referee's can ensure your items are kept safe while trading.


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Playfish 2009 Holiday 1*999if u u have 3 give me 3for 3x999

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Hello, I'd like to buy:

Monster couch and Moulin rouge miniature

for 2x4999 and 2x999

I'll send f/r and payment Smile

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add one Playfish 2009 Holiday ~~~ thanks

already sent 4 X 999 for 1 golden poo & 2 Playfish 2009 Holiday thanks~

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all received and payments sent..thank u so much..adding ur rep now..

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1 Luxurious Armchair, 2 Playfish 2009 Holiday please!

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I want to buy...
Playfish 2009 Holiday 1*999

please add me with "Playfish 2009 Holiday 1*999 "

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