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Christmas Time Chitter Chat ~ Daily Thread

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Bee wrote:
lyniroquai wrote:

awww bless ya

Love is such a hard thing to deal with....I reckon being in a relationship is harder than anything else, Havin kids, moving home etc... I've had more than my fair share of a broken Heart and It does get easier with time and having a great family and friends to talk to helps as well.... I am totally here for you if you ever wanna get things off your chest and ask for someone elses opinion congratulations

Dont you worry about thinking that you're boring people!! we're your friends thats wot we're here for silly!!!!!

I did have a great xmas and hope that New Year is even better than the last...Big huge hugs for u Bee (((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) xxxxxxxxxxxx

You are very welcome my friend

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lyniroquai wrote:

You are very welcome my friend

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I'm afraid I will have to leave now - should force myself to eat something. I don't really feel like it but I have not eaten anything yet.

I will be back bit later - nothing else to do (well apart from housework but that can always wait - right?)

thank you so much

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Bee wrote:
I'm afraid I will have to leave now - should force myself to eat something. I don't really feel like it but I have not eaten anything yet.

I will be back bit later - nothing else to do (well apart from housework but that can always wait - right?)

thank you so much

Cya l8r hunny, I'm off now too...i'm gonna cook a Roast Lamb dinner congratulations

byeeeeeee <3

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Tromo3 wrote:
I am here. School ended today! Hooray!!

good for you!!! :dance4:

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Finally back for a while, still to log in to PS yet today, I don't know where the time flies off to!!!

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Zoonie wrote:
Finally back for a while, still to log in to PS yet today, I don't know where the time flies off to!!!

tell me about it

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christmas was good , thank you just have the rotten cold that seems to be doing the rounds at the moment , how was your xmas Ashamed

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Zoonie wrote:
When are you back at work Bee? Monday?

yes monday. Mr B is at work today so it's just me and the dog. Doing some laundry and cooking curry

tipsy mipsy wrote:
hello every one x x x x x

hello twin
lovely to see you here

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Bad luck on the cold Marie - I have Boogie's inner Barry making me sound like a man. Just going to make more lemon and honey.

Christmas was good though thanks, and I tell you what, curry sounds very inviting Bee!

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tipsy mipsy wrote:
hello every one x x x x x

hello twin
lovely to see you here [/quote]

took a while for me to get on had a few problems but at last here i am x

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the lemon and honey sounds good , would you mind sending some my way ? its a good job we dont have webcams i dont look very attractive right now , i have pieces of tissue stuffed up my nose as its like a tap , and is getting sore from all the wiping ,

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Zoonie wrote:
Bad luck on the cold Marie - I have Boogie's inner Barry making me sound like a man. Just going to make more lemon and honey.

Christmas was good though thanks, and I tell you what, curry sounds very inviting Bee!

I have a book called Curry Secret by Kris Dhillon and that's what I'm using for my curries.
Mr B was told about it by his uncle and we bought the book and have been making curries from it ever since ( about 5 years now). I have not bouth shop curry since.

I'm making spinach one right now

tipsy mipsy wrote:
tipsy mipsy wrote:
hello every one x x x x x

hello twin
lovely to see you here

took a while for me to get on had a few problems but at last here i am x[/quote]

yes it takes a white to get use to it and know your way around but at least we don't have any problems here and admins have been very nice and supportive

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tipsy mipsy wrote:
the lemon and honey sounds good , would you mind sending some my way ? its a good job we dont have webcams i dont look very attractive right now , i have pieces of tissue stuffed up my nose as its like a tap , and is getting sore from all the wiping ,

trick I've learned:

everytime you wipe your nose - rub bit of vaseline on it and above your upper lip too - it will help it stop getting sore

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i am not doing very well at the cooking , i keep forgetting to go back to it and poor wuzzy has burnt things to eat x :Oops:

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tipsy mipsy wrote:
the lemon and honey sounds good , would you mind sending some my way ? its a good job we dont have webcams i dont look very attractive right now , i have pieces of tissue stuffed up my nose as its like a tap , and is getting sore from all the wiping ,

I think I ought to make a big pot full and keep it simmering on the stove!

I ought to look for that book Bee, although come to think of it, we have 3 or 4 specialist curry books already Laughing

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Zoonie wrote:

I ought to look for that book Bee, although come to think of it, we have 3 or 4 specialist curry books already Laughing

this one is different - I know they all say it

it uses one base sauce (onions, tomatoes, spices) to create many many different dishes

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tipsy mipsy wrote:
sounds good bee but i dont like currys , pasta i love though

I like pasta too - beauty of making curry from scratch is that you can make it as hot as it suits your taste. You can't do it with shop bought sauces.

Also I prefer to cook myself as you know exactly what's in it (I just need more time to do it though)

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yep - need longer weekend and shorter workig hours

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tipsy mipsy wrote:
my signature has disappeared , eek
its still on profile but not showing up

somewher in setting you need to tick a box saying you want it displayed every time

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tipsy mipsy wrote:
it was there but just disappeared have ticked the box so lets see if it appears this time

yes it worked :YMCA:

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tipsy mipsy wrote:
its taking some getting used to what is the reputaion thing and pawpounds

no idea but there is tiny + and - on side of people's posts and if you click on + their reputation goes up

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tipsy mipsy wrote:
i see ty bee just clicked on yours x x

I did too

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tipsy mipsy wrote:
i am going to go , head is pounding again , will try to be online tonight x x x

hope you feel better soon hunnie

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I'm back, took a lot longer than I thought. The oil finally turned up (I think they'd got it out of the ground especially for us!) and then someone else arrived, followed by Mr Zoonie home from work!

Thanks for the link to the book Bee Smile

By the way I pasted the link for the board FAQ in a thread here in our C&G Group forum.

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*peeks in*
anybody home?

Just learned Mom how to send stickers, how to use Google translator (in case she wants to send something - she said she really wants to, but is uncertain about her languague skills) and how to make use of the LED ticker in PS : D
Now have to make manuals for her, so she's able to learn by herself!

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aaaw WB BG, that sounds like secret code doesn't it? congratulations

Got to share with you!....

we have oil yaaaaaaay.

Well done to your Mum, tell her not to worry about her language skills, everyone is helpful (I hope)

(btw on that point, hope you don't mind me pointing out -
we say 'just taught Mum' rather than learned - to be gramatically correct.
You probably know, and just typed quickly)

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WB BG, reminds me of CBGB and some kind of perfume/brand with four letters... Can't recall it atm

Yay for the oil!!! You'll finally be warm now, I am so glad! Took long before they delivered!

Well, she told me she sometimes wants to say more then just 'thank you' and that she understands everything what she reads, but is not able to make a proper sentence on her own (have to assist her). So I discovered Google translator and it is quite accurate I think, so she'll be able to work with it, I only have to write a quick manual for the beginning. I know she'll learn it very quick!

I don't mind you pointing me out about the learning vs teaching, I sometimes get confused, so thank you for making it clear. It does sound incorrect reading it again!

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Yes, a relief to be able to have as much heat as we want. I'm sat here with just a shirt top, but I also have a bright red woolen scarf wrapped around my neck (for my throat lol)

Glad you don't mind me pointing anything out, it's not meant to criticise, and I can stop if anyone doesn't like it.
Over here you would generally find learned instead of taught when someone is a little less educted)

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Even though we have all the heat we want... I am ashamed to admit I am wearing 2 sweaters at the moment. I'm always very very cold :blush3:

I'd rather have you pointing me out about what it's supposed to be then to use the wrong words the entire time. I know I have difficulties about the then/than question, but I gave up on that, that was too hard to figure it out

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I can't think of examples of then and than which might help. Other THAN to say, ask if not sure, and I'll keep my eyes open to see if I spot any obvious errors (can't recall any)

When the girls were small they were always confused by

I solved that by reminding them that wHere has the word HERE in it
and wEAR has the word ear, and you wear earrings congratulations

You can help me too (please) the correct way to say the name of the wellingtons I bought this morning?


I gather the company name means Eagle in English, and you should say

AY GUL (with the AY pronounced as you say the letter A in the alphabet)

Is that correct?

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Zoonie wrote:
I can't think of examples of then and than which might help. Other THAN to say, ask if not sure, and I'll keep my eyes open to see if I spot any obvious errors (can't recall any)

When the girls were small they were always confused by

I solved that by reminding them that wHere has the word HERE in it
and wEAR has the word ear, and you wear earrings congratulations

You can help me too (please) the correct way to say the name of the wellingtons I bought this morning?


I gather the company name means Eagle in English, and you should say

AY GUL (with the AY pronounced as you say the letter A in the alphabet)

Is that correct?

tell me about the where - we're - wear - were
it's about the same as there - they're - their and so on
Still have to think very hard with those issues

I'd pronounce Aigle as (thinking)... aygul or aygel (that's about the same sound), but not a soft g (as you would pronounce g in the alphabet, but a hard one like eaGle)

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