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Christmas Time Chitter Chat ~ Daily Thread

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Yay!!!! : D

I just finished a sketch and was working on inking it on.... Not sure how I feel about it. I hope it gets better after I colour it.

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Kijo --- I have some questions for you ..'

When you do a group picture, how big of a work space do you usually set up??

How many pets do you usually put in a picture?? any idea??

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Ummm Not really sure to be quite honest....

I keep the canvas size around the same ration as a room, because its easier to work with the background. although the pet picture is always going to be a higher quality than the background.

and as for how many? I guess it depends on how many submit a picture.

That... probably doesnt help you, does it??

Oh I used your stamp picture the other day as well, for a holiday message picture, I sent it to Gill, but never heard from her, I wonder if she got it....

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Gill has been very busy with the fam. I amnot sure if she ever got her oil. She may be just trying to stay warm..

I am getting addicted to playing with the computer graphics ..... I am trying to make a banner . The dimensions can be 1000 wide and anywhere from 250 -400 high ..... I wanted to use as many pets as possible.

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Well if you need more room you can leave Joki out. : D

1000 Wide... thats a nice little workspace.

If I had my mac I could look up my old files and tell you in a second. but as of right now I can only guess.

;lol: I was just letting you know I stole the stamp idea.... I was in the middle of making it, and was like... hmm, this would look cute with a stamp border!! : D

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ItIt is not for here .... It is for another forum. I was playing with Christmas siggy's and made my friend Bonnie one. Since then, she has suggested several contests for me to use my "creative" talents... lol

I think, i am not sure, but the winner gets 50 4999's .......I figure to play to the masses .... The members of the forum will vote on the winner and the more pets that I include, the better .....

I think I have one saved at home ... I will look at home and see what size it is.

I love the stamp idea. Was it hard for you to use??

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oh, btw .... I won the movie contest from the other day!! 10,000 coins !!

I got 5 right in the shortest time ..

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Sweet! i was just going to tell you that Field of dreams is on right now, and ask you how taht went.

the stamp thing wasnt too hard, but I cheated. : D
Just downloaded a border form online and skewed it and the colour to my liking, then erased the background. I didnt feel like making on from scratch. : /

ooh lots of contest, how fun! : D

Always available for reference help if ya need it! : D

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....... the internet died again .........

there were 3 of us that got 5 right,and I won because I turned my answers in early ....

stamp thing still sounds like a lot of work ....

Thanks for the offer of help. unfortunately, I have to finish this tomorrow .... I was busy this weekend and did not work on it. It has to be turned in by midnight gmt ...

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do you have any of the porch rail/bannister things?? I forget what they are called..... If so, can I borrow them ... please ..

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well there will always be others in the futuire that I can help with

this morning is going to be a busy morning. the hotel is full to the rim, and lots with 5:00 wake up call.s..... so that should be fun. : /

inked my drawing, and started colouring it... I think it will work out nicely.Think I just had too many pencil lines on there. or maybe the colour is helping.....

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I sent you some, hopefully it was what you needed. ; D

4 minurtes and I have to run. need to leave on time today,.

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omg this is so cute!!! go to youtube and put this in after it

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Hey Boogs, i am here, but i have to leavenow, so if you are here when I get back i will see you then!! : D

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Good Morning - I'm trying to be here, but my connection is failing! Sad

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Zoonie wrote:
Good Morning - I'm trying to be here, but my connection is failing! Sad

Me loon

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Thanks Kijo.. internet is acting up badly tonight , but at least it still works .....

Hi Boogie!! How are you ?? I am responding slowly today .... internet problems ...

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TanyaRC wrote:
Thanks Kijo.. internet is acting up badly tonight , but at least it still works .....

Hi Boogie!! How are you ?? I am responding slowly today .... internet problems ...

Im very in and out too! Hope you had a wonderful christmas :good:

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Boogs!!! Tanya!!!

Did you have a lovely Christmas Boogie?

I'm trying to keep a connection Sad

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Zoonie wrote:
Boogs!!! Tanya!!!

Did you have a lovely Christmas Boogie?

I'm trying to keep a connection Sad

Yes I did, hope yours was great congratulations

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I feel exhausted Boogs.
Lots of work, still no oil.

ED and her B/F are here today, but our YD went teatime yesterday.

We have had a lovely time though, and not many presents, but what we had were wonderful Smile

How about you?

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Hi Gill !! It seems that the gremlins are in the internet today.... I have been more out than in today .....

my Christmas went ok. had to work both eve and day .....

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Zoonie wrote:
I feel exhausted Boogs.
Lots of work, still no oil.

ED and her B/F are here today, but our YD went teatime yesterday.

We have had a lovely time though, and not many presents, but what we had were wonderful Smile

How about you?

No oil still, do you have any heating?

I have had a wonderful time thanks, far too much food though Laughing

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TanyaRC wrote:
Hi Gill !! It seems that the gremlins are in the internet today.... I have been more out than in today .....

my Christmas went ok. had to work both eve and day .....

You had to work Sad Hope you have new year off

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sorry guys ..... I am not quoting today .... internet is too crappy ....

Still no oil?? What is their excuse?? Don't they work in the bad weather??

nope, gotta work those days too ... my days off are tues/wed, and about to change to mon/tues ..... this is my last sunday night(for me) to work for a while ,...I will be working the same shift on Saturdday night ... Hope there is someone here to talk too ... Sad

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TanyaRC wrote:
sorry guys ..... I am not quoting today .... internet is too crappy ....

Still no oil?? What is their excuse?? Don't they work in the bad weather??

nope, gotta work those days too ... my days off are tues/wed, and about to change to mon/tues ..... this is my last sunday night(for me) to work for a while ,...I will be working the same shift on Saturdday night ... Hope there is someone here to talk too ... Sad

I thought there might be more people here today after the chaos of christmas is over.

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Hi Charlotte... I don't think that we have met .... I am
Tanya.. How are you today??

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TanyaRC wrote:
Hi Gill !! It seems that the gremlins are in the internet today.... I have been more out than in today .....

my Christmas went ok. had to work both eve and day .....

Tanya honey, I didn't ask about your Christmas, because I already knew you were working - you're having a delayed family celebration aren't you?

That'll be us next year, as if ED is in the same job, she'll be working on the Sunday (Selfridges have their Boxing Day Sale)
* I saw the fuss the mention of Boxing Day created after I put the first post congratulations

In the UK and Europe, we never refer to the 'Holidays', it's Christmas Day and Boxing Day!

bogie wrote:
Zoonie wrote:
I feel exhausted Boogs.
Lots of work, still no oil.

ED and her B/F are here today, but our YD went teatime yesterday.

We have had a lovely time though, and not many presents, but what we had were wonderful Smile

How about you?

No oil still, do you have any heating?

I have had a wonderful time thanks, far too much food though Laughing

We're hanging on with the dregs of oil I think, having been very careful - there's such a heavy frost here though Sad

There's no excuse, they just haven't come!

smut wrote:
hi all hope all have a great christmas

Hiya Smut, yes thanks, did you? How did it go?

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smut wrote:
hi all hope all have a great christmas

Hi nice to meet you congratulations

Sorry all have to run now, will try and pop back later

and I hope your oil comes today me Loon

Take care see you all in a bit

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TanyaRC wrote:
hey look!!
<<<<<< I am a regular member!!!

CONGRATS congratulations

ok gotta run *poof*

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Bye Boogs!! have a great day!!

@gill -- We are going to the inlaws .. about an 8 hour drive, in about a week to celebrate Christmas with them ... I callled my mom on Christmas and talked to her ...

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hello!!!!! sorry this is just a brief visit but I need to get up early for our Christmas day with the grandaughters tomorrow ...... I hope you are all doing well Smile

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yes I am looking forward to it .... my oldest granddaughter is 2 1/2 and she loves to open presents so Ican't wait to see her excitement when she opens the presents .... my stepson wife and the girls are spending the whole day here tomorrow plus my brother in law and his gf are here form Texas and staying with us until Wednesday

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that is such a fun age!! Sounds like you will have a house full of fun!!

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sorry I gotta run and can't stay to chat but I need to get some sleep so I can get up when everyone gets up .... trying to be a nice host LOL

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TanyaRC wrote:
Gill, have we completely overwhelmed this forum with our activity??


I had noticed that the fund target for January is £20 so I sent a contribution, but I keep expecting to see that total increase!

Did you do all your gift shopping already Tanya? or does it mean that you get to shop in the Sales???

See you Boogs, no oil due until tomorrow I fear Sad

Princess - another deferred Christmas too! How are you?

We're going in to town later on the train, with the kids on the first part of their journey back to London,
and to carry some of YD's gifts and stuff that she didn't take last night.

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hi Zoonie!!!! *hug* I am doing good but I've been busy and haven't had much time to spend here

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