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About TanyaRC

  • Birthday 07/21/1965

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  1. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hi all ... Sorry to not have checked in in a while. We have been a bit busy and well, just life I guess. All is well in Florida. No gas leaks ... he he ... We are all getting ready for Christmas. I am working on several things crafty ... crochetting and doing a bit of sewing. I have all the decorations in the living room and have started putting them up. What ever is not up by Tuesday goes back in the attic ... he he ... It is very cold here tonight .. near freezing. I went out and fixed the kitties a warm spot, I hope. You should see them all outside. They are so fluffy in the cold... Thinking of planning a retirement party for hubby. He says he doesn't want one, but I think he deserves it. I am still going back and forth .. ttfn ..... xoxoxoxo
  2. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hello peoples ...... How is everyone?? I have been reading back and read lots of interesting things since I was here last. We have been out on our sailboat several times lately. The last thing that we did was go to an airshow and watch it from the water. Kijo came down and spent the weekend with us. She and I went to the fair on Saturday night, and then met OH on the boat to watch the airshow on Sunday. We had a blast!!! It was a wonderful weekend!! We rode rides till I chickend out ..... The weather for the airshow was awesome .. These last couple of weeks have been busy for me. I have had lots of kitty duties. In the last 3 weeks, I think that I have taken 6-7 to get spayed/neutered ... It is late and I have lost count. I have one in a cage right now to go in the morning. It makes for strange sleeping when I take them in. I have to catch them, which I usually do between 11pm and 2 am, then I have to get up at 7am to take them to the vet. That has made for some confusing weekends lately. But I am so happy!!! I only have about 5 more that need to be s/n then I will have everything out there fixed!! We are gettig ready to go to Disney next weekend. The weather has finally cooled off and I think we will have a wonderful time.. whew .... my fingers are tired ... xoxoxo
  3. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Lea, thanks for the great ideas. Life seems to have taken a busy turn for most ot the people around. I hope that things pick up soon here. Bee ... great news!! I am so glad that you are going out and having fun. Keep yourself open to new experiences and there is no telling what will happen. When you get ready for prices on travel here, let me know and I would love to help. BG.... good luck with the thesis ... I am glad that I was never that smart .. I would have hated to write that ... Everything in my part of the world is doing ok. Just got back from a short trip on the boat. We had a blast!!! Going this weekend to see an airshow from the water. Kijo is probably going to come and see it with us. It will be her first time on a sailboat. we are all excited!!
  4. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    we do seem to have lost a lot of folks in the move .. I wish that I knew why .. will put on my thinking cap ...
  5. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    xxxxxxxxxxxx and ooooooooooo to everyone ... It is a beautiful fall here in Florida. The weather is cooling off and the humidity is down. We had a wedding dance here saturday night. it was a lot of fun. we are planning a Halloween/fall party for this saturday .... it is gonna be fun ....
  6. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hi Everyone!!! I am back from Canada and I had a blast .. It is time for Halloween .... I must go find my siggy ..... be back ...
  7. What wonderful news!! It sounds like everything is going in the right direction!! Just be careful packing and moving ..
  8. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hi all !!! Boy have things been busy for us all lately!! between vacations and work ... must admit I like the vacations better .... and all the things that life throws at us, this has been a very quiet room .. OH and I just returned from a trip to Toronto and Buffalo. It was a blast. I loved Toronto. I would love to go back. It is a very pretty city. They have lots of interesting buildings, and most important for OH , it is on the water !! hehe .. Anything on a lake or ocean he is all about!! We did a city tour, and a boat tour of the harbour. It was lots of fun. On the way back to the US, we stopped at Niagara Falls. What a lot of water!!! I have seen it all my life in pictures and on the tv, but they just did not do it justice! It is just amazing. I see things like that and try to imagine how it would be if I was the first person to see it.. (I love historical novels, and often play a game with myself of what if. ) Another thing that I enjoy about touristy places like that is the different cultures that I see there. I know that I heard at least 5 different languages spoken. I am a people watcher. The main point of this trip was the visit to Buffalo. Some friends who live here are originally from there and went back up there to get married. The wedding was beautiful, the bride gorgeous, and the groom handsome. I even managed to get my hubby in a tux to attend. He cleans up pretty good... whew ... I am tired of typing ... Love to you all and have a wonderful week!!!
  9. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hi everyone!! It has been slow in here lately. I guess RL is busy for us all. I have one more thing to do, then my life will settle down for a bit. OH and I are attending a wedding in a couple of weeks in Buffalo, NY. We are starting the trip in Toronto, Canada. I am so excited about seeing Niagara Falls!! I have never been this far north, so this is a first for me. I am also hoping to have some fall weather and maybe see some leaves turning. It has been so hot here this summer. Right now we are in the peak of what is usually our hurricane season. I can't tell you how many trips have been ruined the first week of Sept. because of a hurricane. So far this year, it has been fairly calm. We will see if it holds. OK, enough rambling ... toodles for now!! Hugs all around!!
  10. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Kijo and I have had a wonderful day. Had a great meal and watched Despicable Me.... Very cute movie!! Now sitting in her lobby chattin ....
  11. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    it is Sunday evening for me and I will be in and out ...
  12. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hi Bee.... I will go look it up .. I miss all our boys. They never come around any more ...
  13. TanyaRC

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hi everyone!! Glad to see all those that checked in and left word .. BG ... remember to drink lots of water before you go for your blood work .... it will help.. Sorry to hear about all the construction. Hopefully things will be better when they are done. Is there anyway to get your car out when they are not working? or do they have it torn up so that you can't get out?? Bee.... I am so glad that you got in touch with Elvis!! I had fun this weekend. We went to see OH's uncles. He has 3, two live near each other, and one is a catholic missionary in Bangladesh. Father/Uncle Bill comes home every 3 years and visits everyone. He is such a joy to talk to about his work. I am back home now and ready to start the normal life .... The next planned trip is to a wedding in Buffalo, NY in the middle of September. We will be going into Toronto, Canada while we are there and we will see Niagra Falls!! I am excited about that. See you all around!!
  14. Thanks Sharon!! We had a blast!! It was all that I hoped that it would be and more!! I am so excited about next summer and Bee coming over... I just can't wait!!
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