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Village Mayor-petsociety

tweet40 New Years Resolution Diary

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mine are about the same as tromos

1. i will stop beeing so annoying
2. i'll try to do better in school
3. i will stop playing so much pet society (my grades aren't very good Sad )
4. i'll get back to my old passion for art
5. i'll help around the house more
6. i'll start using my whiteboard again (so i could stop beeing late everywhere and forgeting my assignments and tests all the time)
7. i'll stop wasting so much money on stuff i don't need (chocolates, furry pens, nail polishes and stuff)
8. i'll spend more time in real life with my friends, and less in virtual one Smile

Welcome to your new years resolution diary, here you can post every so often to let people know how your getting on, if your still on track, if you've went slightly off track or if you have failed, you can also ask for advice on how to complete them, and other members can post their messages of support. So good luck with your resolutions!!

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This is a lot of goals! Are you making progress on any of them? I think the most important one is probably your grades. I am a very forgetful person too, and I am almost 30, so unfortunately it doesn't get better sometimes. Some things that have helped me: using gmail calender alerts, also, having a basket by the door where I always keep my wallet, keys, and mobile. I used to lose those things every single day until I came up with the basket.

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thank you for the itea with the basket! congratulations
i'll try that out Smile

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