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Dreaming Fast

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Early this morning I believe was the first time that I had dreamed and it seemed to happen so fast. It was a lot going on with so much detail and it was so fast. Once I woke up I couldn't remember hardly anything. Has this happened to anyone? What causes this?

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This hasn't happened to me sunshine love...Im curious about it though. I would love to know for sure what it means. The first thought that comes to me though is wondering if you are feelings of being 'rushed' or 'stressed' in your waking life right now. Do you feel frazzled, overwhelmed, or like there is a lot going on in your waking life??? Like there is just not enough time in one day by chance? If so, this could symbolize that possibly. If not, I am really interested to see others postings so that I can understand this better too.

Just my thoughts....toss it if its not a fit...

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