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My mom's anal fissure

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Please pray the my mom goes to the doctor. She doesn't want to go because she's afraid when they touch that area it will hurt. If she doesn't go, it will hurt more. The tear could get bigger and she could get an infection. The pain started last Friday. No she can barely function. She needs to go. She used aloe vera pills and stuff before. The doctor she got it from is dead and his office doesn't cell them any more. Yesterday, she cried.
I don't mean to be selfish but my sister and I had to miss important doctor's appointments. I don't want her to have a horrible holiday season. She's also trying some all natural stuff. Please pray it takes away her pain, swelling and discomfort.

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I am praying for your mom to get completely healed, Jasmine! You can also command her body to get healed and cast pain, swelling and infection out in Jesus' Name!
Lord, I ask You to bless Jasmine richly and multiply her faith and Your anointing on her and her family!! In Jesus' Name!

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She's feeling so mush better! She cried tears of joy this morning! Please pray she perfectly healed soon. She has to go to work on Tuesday. Thx.

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I am so so so happy for your mom! I keep praying and praising God for your mom's COMPLETE healing and restoration. I pray that God not just heals this, but everything else in her body that needs restoration and healing touch and that He renews her youth like the eagle's! I give thanks and praises to our God Almighty for in Him we have healing and total restoration! :glory:

I pray God blesses you and your mom beyond any imagination!

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