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Christmas Time Chitter Chat ~ Daily Thread

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will be right back.. you know where I'm going and trust me.... you don't want to go there today

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Morning Frannie dear!

Yes, Zoon, I can understand busy weekend and all.
I miss Tan Tan today. : C

Anyways, be back in a bit!!!!

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and just glanced.. yes.. time to start trading.. but maybe wait till you post the pic... might be some stuff we all would prefer to buy first?

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Yes, I'm not in any rush to trade, got too much to do this week.

Take down and store all the decs and then a major de-clutter, as we have work starting on the house next Monday!

Sorry I didn't answer, not shaken off the chill as yet, but a lot better than it was - yesterday I felt really rough for some strange reason.

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ok I'm back.. so cold out there brrrrrr

Did you manage to get any of the gingerbread stockings for yourself?

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Me? no, not even seen them, where were they from Frannie?

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not sure.. but I got some in a trade.. will send one when I get back to my own account

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aaw thanks so much, that's nice of you.

I am so behind with any of the MB items, and on the few visits I've managed to do lately, keep seeing some things I don't recognise!

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I got my hair cut and colored yesterday.. Feel so much better. I was in terrible shape.. had a good two inches of grey growth... bangs (fringe?) were down past the tip of my nose.. So . all ready for next week to start work.

House is decluttered... feels good too

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You're way ahead of me then! I've found a style I like, but not got so far as finding a new hairstylist yet.

House looks like nothing on earth - believe me!

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quick hello

first day back at work and I'm already doing "non-work".

Hope you all had nice Christmas/New Year

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Ha ha, same here Bee, we're so naughty.

Just wanted to say hi before I really get stuck into the day.

Have a great day everyone, I'll try and come over tonight when I'm home. Well I'll definitely be around, have to get started on the new scavenger hunt...I LOVE THAT GAME you should all try it out, it's loads of fun.

laters potaters x

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Good morning Dawn! and I agree... the Scavenger hunt is the best!!!! It's fun that lasts all week.. and I do love collaborating with you!

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Frannie wrote:
Hey Bee.. Happy New Year! How are you?

Happy New Year Frannie

I kind of happy to be back at work as it should put some routine back in my life and keep me bit busy - but at the same time it means job and flat hunting too - I have no more excuses (even thouhg no pressure had been put on me).

I've got funny feeling in my stomach but it's not caused by food.

How are you? Hope you had nice break with your family

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Hi Bee, Hi Dawn, Happy New Year to you both.

Don't know if you saw how my NYE finished Bee? (seeing as we often chat about trains)

I hate hate hate the live feed thing on FB now, my page fills so quickly with rubbish and all the interesting stuff seems to get skipped over!

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DawnyDawn wrote:
Ha ha, same here Bee, we're so naughty.

Just wanted to say hi before I really get stuck into the day.

Have a great day everyone, I'll try and come over tonight when I'm home. Well I'll definitely be around, have to get started on the new scavenger hunt...I LOVE THAT GAME you should all try it out, it's loads of fun.

laters potaters x

hello Dawn - yes I agree, had to come here while sorting over 1,000 e-mails in my inbox (mostly junk offering Viagra).

Hope your day will be nice and easy

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Zoonie wrote:
Hi Bee, Hi Dawn, Happy New Year to you both.

Don't know if you saw how my NYE finished Bee? (seeing as we often chat about trains)

I hate hate hate the live feed thing on FB now, my page fills so quickly with rubbish and all the interesting stuff seems to get skipped over!

Hello Gill

Happy New Year to you too.
I have to agree with you about the live feed - I keep disabling lots of feeds from other people's app that I don't use - trying to make it easier.

No sorry I have not seen it but I'm guessing it was not good and you got stranded somewhere?

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Why is so much junk mail about viagra and other drugs, and replica watches??? do they seriously think people are going to buy?

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Zoonie wrote:
Why is so much junk mail about viagra and other drugs, and replica watches??? do they seriously think people are going to buy?

I guess they are hoping.

We also seems to be getting lots of e-mail written in Russian. I keep updating junk filter but they are getting clever and are replacing letters with numbers or misspellig words

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Always one step ahead hey?
I gave up using my isp email and just stick to gmail as it seems pretty good at filtering out the rubbish.

Just been away reading The Guardian blog about 'Celebrity' (ha ha) Big Brother congratulations

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Stephen Baldwin and Heidi Fleiss both have seriously scary faces.

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Zoonie wrote:
Always one step ahead hey?
I gave up using my isp email and just stick to gmail as it seems pretty good at filtering out the rubbish.

Just been away reading The Guardian blog about 'Celebrity' (ha ha) Big Brother congratulations

I'm using gmail too as I can read it on my iphone - unlike hotmail.

This is work e-mail so I have to put up with it.

I have seen something about BB in metro this morning so I skipped the page - another program that I will not watch. Never watched BB since it started and I'm not planning to start now.

I must say I got addicted to Twilight series and keep reading the books over and over.

Also went to see Avatar in Imax 3D on NYE - it was breathtaking

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back again. Thought of you during dinner last night Bee.. Made cornbread to with the chili I made.. I will think of you from now on when I eat cornbread LOL

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Frannie wrote:
back again. Thought of you during dinner last night Bee.. Made cornbread to with the chili I made.. I will think of you from now on when I eat cornbread LOL


that's nice - thank you *drool*
maybe I should make some too - it will be nice change. I was going to make some chilli as I have bit of mince left.

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Bee wrote:
I have seen something about BB in metro this morning so I skipped the page - another program that I will not watch. Never watched BB since it started and I'm not planning to start now.

I must say I got addicted to Twilight series and keep reading the books over and over.

Also went to see Avatar in Imax 3D on NYE - it was breathtaking

The so-called-celeb BB fascinates me (or any reality show like that) as to who he producers can get, and why on earth they pay them so much money, it's totally weird (IMO)

NYE we spent from 12.30-08.08am waiting at Charing Cross


You've made me hungry now, back after I sort out the laundry and get some cereal!

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The so-called-celeb BB fascinates me (or any reality show like that) as to who he producers can get, and why on earth they pay them so much money, it's totally weird (IMO)

NYE we spent from 12.30-08.08am waiting at Charing Cross


You've made me hungry now, back after I sort out the laundry and get some cereal![/quote]

that's bad!! What a way to start new year.

enjoy your cereals ?

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I'm so dumb.

Kijo I did get your message, meant to reply and obv didn't - there was nothing attached honey, just the text!

How about sending to my email please? TY

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Frannie wrote:
Gill.. you may be many things.... dumb is not one of them!

agree!!! :good:

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B-fast is biscuits and gravy and sausage patties. nothing good at all. ; C

Oh really Gill??

how lame is taht I will send an email currently.

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Kijo... you just got sent a bunch of stuff to use for prizes some week in the Scavenger hunt

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omg.. i just can't reach that satisfactory nicotine level... be right back.. btw addiction is a terrible thing and I truly have an addictive nature

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Oh goodness, my PS account is backed up with PRezzie atm as it is. : D

Thanks in advance for the Gifts.

the post is Green, cause Gill gave you a thanks! ♥️♥️

and gill I sent that message.

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Frannie wrote:
why did that post turn green?

I thought it was just me - post turned green and then I was told IE cannot display the page I requested - took me 5 tries to refresh the page

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The post goes green when someone presses the Thank You button congratulations

Thanks Bee.

Got to say I wasn't feeling well in the days leading to NYE and a night in the freezing cold (blow freezing) with just a metal chair that has a half height back, for hours and hours, is not really going to do you any good at my age, is it now?

Luckily I had a warm coat, but I was dressed for dinner out - not camping!

Got the pics now Kijo, they're so cute

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Yay, thankfully you have them now, I wonder why it didnt work the first time I sent them?

I think Zoonie is super adorable though! ♥️♥️♥️

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I'm FINE!!!
Had to turn in my laptop because of the dead battery, but the guy just gave me a new battery, I was able to test it there and it works, so I won't have to do without my laptop!

Went to the sales too: 3 new slacks/trousers (am afraid of these words now :p ) AND a new green coat! Woot!

And a day off, because I have to go to hospital in the afternoon, just rang them to make an appointment for X rays (annual check up, nothing to worry about)! (But probably will do something in between the waiting)

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Frannie wrote:
Hello Toulouse.... is school back in session today?

Yes for everyone else who's not in college/uni. We still have exams, so no lessons for me until... February 8th or something.

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Zoonie wrote:
The post goes green when someone presses the Thank You button congratulations

my turn to be blond - I can't see Thank you button :girl_cray2:

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