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twilight tatoos

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ok, i know that there are some CRAAAAZZZZY Twilight Saga tatoos out there.

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this one isn't that crazy, but i thought it was interesting.

What happens when you flip a "Werewolf" tatoo around?

You get a "Vampire" tatoo!

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nothing in this world could make me get a tatoo

but that one's really cool! (yet, i would never ruin my body with it lmao)

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I love tattoos on mens arms...I think they are really sexy Ashamed

I have a tattoo myself...of tigger naturally lol, but it is very well hidden and can only be seen if I want it to be seen lol

I dont like to see lot of tattoos on women

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lea75 wrote:
I love tattoos on mens arms...I think they are really sexy Ashamed

I have a tattoo myself...of tigger naturally lol, but it is very well hidden and can only be seen if I want it to be seen lol

I dont like to see lot of tattoos on women

lol! of course tigger! you are so funny!!
i'm planning on getting one too. not of tigger hee hee but of some flowers on my foot. still looking for someone good to do it.

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really??hahaha how twilight addict people are congratulations

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orik wrote:
really??hahaha how twilight addict people are congratulations

i know! it's like a disease! ha ha LOL! if you're not careful, you'll catch it just for being a member of this club... i feel a sneeze coming on... *achewwie* oh, too late orik - tag, you're it!

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Sanakan wrote:
Lol! That tattoo is awesome!! I would love to get one!!!congratulations

maybe they can make one that says "edward" on one side then "jacob" when you flip it. hee hee ha ha!!

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smorkle wrote:
Sanakan wrote:
Lol! That tattoo is awesome!! I would love to get one!!!congratulations

maybe they can make one that says "edward" on one side then "jacob" when you flip it. hee hee ha ha!!

Haha! If they managed to do that, that would be awesome!!congratulations Especially if you like both of them~~XD

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