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I'm doing a fast.

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My church is doing 21 days of hunger and I am participating. I skipped the first day so I am only doing 20 days or however long my body allows. I'm only doing a one meal a day fast. Right now I am in my mother's workplace and I can smell the food. I am slightly tempted to quit right now, but I won't. Please pray that God grants me freedom and brings us closer through this fast. I'm doing this for that reason and to obey what he wants me to do.

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Stay as focused as possible. Because fasting isn't just about going without food, you need to replace those times that you would be eating or when you feel tempted with prayer and the Word of God. You will find that when you do that, you will become stronger and stronger. I've seen a lot of people do fasts just to say they've done a fast or just to lose weight, and they don't get anything out of it. Those who I've seen do it just for the sake of drawing closer to the Lord through his word and prayer have grown LEAPS and have seen some miraculous things in their lives.

Praying for God's best in this season for you Jasmine!!

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Bless God for you Jasmine. Your desire for God in your youth is amazing. If you abide in Him and let Him abide in you, God will do wonderful things in your life.

Ask God for strength and hopefully you have someone to pray with and encourage you during this fast. It helps. Nonetheless, I'm sure you have ones here that are praying for you during this time of stretching yourself to reach the more of the Father.

Look for scriptures used during fasting. Read one (or more) daily to help. Be encouraged and take it day by day leaning on God/Lord Jesus to help you through.

Blessings to you.

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