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2010 Chat - January (part 3)

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See you Frannie, Daaaawn come back!
Nope not over the game, also just been reading Raffa's press conference earlier

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Afternoon all ...
Gill didn't know you were a fellow Red supporter ...been one all my life! Its really hard at the moment though ..I keep having to remind myself to suppost my team through the bad times as well as the good!

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Oh yes, red through and through.
I used to live on the Wirral years ago and my younger daughter was born in Birkenhead!
OH used to work in the Cunard Building (although he's a life long Villa fan, so he's giving me some stick at the moment)

We're both really big football fans, me since I was about 8 or 9 Smile

It's a grim hobby at the moment though and no mistake!

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you're not kidding ...
I started to support Liverpool at my Grandad's knee many, many years ago. They lived in Liverpool and my mother was born thre. Grandad a true red, Gran a blue ...imagine the fun on matchdays!

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kasijab wrote:
you're not kidding ...
I started to support Liverpool at my Grandad's knee many, many years ago. They lived in Liverpool and my mother was born thre. Grandad a true red, Gran a blue ...imagine the fun on matchdays!

Oh gosh, yes!
Far worse than me and my OH...although, Chris who owns (so to speak) Zoonie's fiancé (BigBlue) - well, she's now in Perth, Australia, and her pet's name is a big clue to where her allegiance lies too!

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Scouse? what makes you think that Wish? Laughing

Hi BG, still tired?

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kasijab wrote:
you're not kidding ...
I started to support Liverpool at my Grandad's knee many, many years ago. They lived in Liverpool and my mother was born thre. Grandad a true red, Gran a blue ...imagine the fun on matchdays!

Hi there hun. How are you ?

Toulouse wrote:

Hey BG - exams going ok ? More work planned for this weekend ?

Zoonie wrote:
Scouse? what makes you think that Wish? Laughing

Seems a lot of scouse talk going on here alright !
:good: Here I am !

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I dozed off during Bones and got awake again during the denouement (correct?) So had to rewind, because I couldn't follow. I'm thinking it's going to be a very early night for me

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Wish Fairy wrote:
Hey BG - exams going ok ? More work planned for this weekend ?

I feel very okay-ish about the one I took today (but being very careful to say things like that actually, because it might have gone really well, it might not be enough). But having serious doubts about the one yesterday. But we'll see when I get my results 8)
I'm having a slow start this weekend, need some rest first. Soo very relaxing to take an entire afternoon off, lying in bed the entire time watching DVDs lol

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Denouement is correct BG.

Just getting a small competition together...

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I just lost a post ...try again
Hi Wish and BG ...hows you both today?
Whats wrong with scousers? I just love their accents!

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SIB popping in for a quick lunch chat:)
Hello to everyone. Hope you having a great Friday.

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Audrey - nothing wrong with scouser dear at all LOL. I am a scouser in fact, but am transplanted to the south via a variety of other places :-)

(shhhh, I love the people but I hate the accent and actually you'd never get me back there to live now ! )

Gill :bartend: :-)

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Zoonie wrote:
Denouement is correct BG.

Just getting a small competition together...

Never heard that word before, so I was a bit afraid it was something else (remember the panties-incident Laughing )

How are you? And IMOM? Does he still have trouble to get to work?

kasijab wrote:
I just lost a post ...try again
Hi Wish and BG ...hows you both today?
Whats wrong with scousers? I just love their accents!

Hiya Audrey! How are you?
I'm fine, just really tired, very hard days it's been for me (and lacking way too much sleep now)

Wish! Martini baby congratulations

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I'm just cooking dinner ..then intend to put my feet up with a glass of chilled white wine and finish my visiting in PS ..will be the first time in ages if I do !

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Ooooh SIB (not CIB) appears and magically the bar opens! lol.
Yes, TGIF - how are you SIB?

Who will ever forget you and your pantie contortions BG? ROFL!

The new guessing game is up, and the Spot the Difference is still running...

A nice glass of chilled, dry white please Wish

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For you BG.............

And for Gill

Audrey / Chup............anything from the bar for you ??? Laughing

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kasijab wrote:
I'm just cooking dinner ..then intend to put my feet up with a glass of chilled white wine and finish my visiting in PS ..will be the first time in ages if I do !

Oh..that sounds like a wonderful thing to do!!Smile
Have fun and enjoy!!

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Zoonie wrote:
Ooooh SIB (not CIB) appears and magically the bar opens! lol.
Yes, TGIF - how are you SIB?

A nice glass of chilled, dry white please Wish

Ha ha...I haven't lost my touch!8)
I am doing great thanks! The sun is finally out and it has warmed up quite a bit.....back to 70 on Sunday!...FInally. I think I will have a drink later just for that reason....bot like I need an excuse

Wish Fairy wrote:
For you BG.............

<img src="https://2img.net/h/www.kogaweb.net/img/2063.png" style="" id="lightboxImage"><div style="" id="hoverNav"><a style="display: none; height: 160px;" id="prevLink" href="#"></a><a style="display: none; height: 160px;" id="nextLink" href="#"></a></div>

And for Gill

<img src="https://2img.net/h/www.kogaweb.net/img/2751.jpg" style="" id="lightboxImage"><div style="" id="hoverNav"><a style="display: none; height: 160px;" id="prevLink" href="#"></a><a style="display: none; height: 160px;" id="nextLink" href="#"></a></div>

Audrey / Chup............anything from the bar for you ??? Laughing

Hi Wish!..yeah..I'll take what ever is around. A margarita works great! 8)

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Zoonie wrote:
Who will ever forget you and your pantie contortions BG? ROFL!

It stays good congratulations

Wish Fairy wrote:
For you BG.............

And for Gill

Audrey / Chup............anything from the bar for you ??? Laughing

Thanks sweetie!!
How are you doing?

Chupacabra wrote:
Oh..that sounds like a wonderful thing to do!!Smile
Have fun and enjoy!!

Hiya SIB!!

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Toulouse wrote:

Chupacabra wrote:
Oh..that sounds like a wonderful thing to do!!Smile
Have fun and enjoy!!

Hiya SIB!!

Hiya BG... Great to see you!

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Send over some sun, please congratulations
I noticed the weather when I was in bed the entire time (get to look outside the window) and it's very grey outside. The snow is melting (not a pretty view to look at)

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Toulouse wrote:
Zoonie wrote:
Who will ever forget you and your pantie contortions BG? ROFL!

It stays good congratulations

Wish Fairy wrote:
For you BG.............

And for Gill

Audrey / Chup............anything from the bar for you ??? Laughing

Thanks sweetie!!
How are you doing?

Chupacabra wrote:
Oh..that sounds like a wonderful thing to do!!Smile
Have fun and enjoy!!

Hiya SIB!!

Thanks... I'm trying really hard to be good and cut down on wine..so not before 7pm Ashamed
I'm sure it won't last for long though ...have to show willing for most of January LaughingLaughingLaughing

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well... long as the bar is open... G & T please... twist of lime

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kasijab wrote:
I'm just cooking dinner ..then intend to put my feet up with a glass of chilled white wine and finish my visiting in PS ..will be the first time in ages if I do !

Sounds like a plan!
It's way back in October I think since I did all my visits.

Oooh just got gifted my Wishlist

SIB (major jealousy attack, please explain this concept of 'sun') I love Margueritas too *sigh*
Our bar is just about dry.

Our snow is starting to melt, finally, but very, very slowly.

Frannie, WB!

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and get this.. warning on y new meds.. drinking alcohol will significantly REDUCE blood sugar.. so what's wrong with that?

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dinner time for mee!!

Hi and bye Frannie

See you later sweeties

(one happy BG hopping around LOL)

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OMG sorry ...,my neighbour came again...I am like the "Clock winder" round here, if something is broken or their Sky Tv won't work..they think they can call any time and I can fix it.

Now...I'm behind on my bartending. G&T flying down the room to Frannie (it's Bombay with ice and a lime slice). Chup - margharita coming up easy on the salt though ;-)

Audrey - fair enough....how bout a mocktail ...

I may even pour myself a glass now LOL

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Frannie, do you still have spares from the Snow White eggs? I only ask as K-B was here early, swearing at them, because the eggs are being mean to her!

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You're welcome.
Chablis for Gill and I tonight (sorry - again no Sancerre)

I have had a stream of neighbours this afternoon I swear...(in fact we only have 2 neighbours - 2 couples) and 3 / 4 of them have visited this afternoon, one of them twice !! They're all retired so maybe they're lonely after the snow

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Toulouse wrote:
Send over some sun, please congratulations
I noticed the weather when I was in bed the entire time (get to look outside the window) and it's very grey outside. The snow is melting (not a pretty view to look at)

It has been very grey dull and dreary here for a long time...I hope this sun stays for a while...at lesat the weekend maybe:)

kasijab wrote:

Chupacabra wrote:
Oh..that sounds like a wonderful thing to do!!Smile
Have fun and enjoy!!

Hiya SIB!!

Hello also! Great to see you. I haven't been in often
Frannie wrote:
well... long as the bar is open... G & T please... twist of lime

Hiya Frannie!

Zoonie wrote:

SIB (major jealousy attack, please explain this concept of 'sun') I love Margueritas too *sigh*
Our bar is just about dry.

lol....It is a wonderful thing... the sun that is! 8) Not the bar situation....Sorry the bar is dry!

I must run now. The bell for the afternoon has rung so I must get ready for my last few classes.
Have a great weekend everyone!
See you all soon!

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Zoonie wrote:
Frannie, do you still have spares from the Snow White eggs? I only ask as K-B was here early, swearing at them, because the eggs are being mean to her!

yes I have some spares.. I asked if she needed anything specific... but she must not have seen.. I don't have any unopened

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Zoonie wrote:
Frannie, do you still have spares from the Snow White eggs? I only ask as K-B was here early, swearing at them, because the eggs are being mean to her!

I have a few spare things. I'll message Kb and find out what she is looking for:)

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Wish Fairy wrote:

Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend ?

nothing planned here.. resting my brain.. had to kick into high gear yesterday.. still supposed to be just getting familiar with the system @ work... doing some sample problems.. and we got slammed.... wound up doing 5 returns yesterday

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shouldn't complain, because it was 4:00 before I knew it.. and am now off until Wednesday

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Wish Fairy wrote:
Bye Chup...see you soon .

Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend ?

not me either...got a pile of ironing waiting so I suppose I will have to tackle that..oh the joy Ashamed

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Frannie wrote:
Wish Fairy wrote:

Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend ?

nothing planned here.. resting my brain.. had to kick into high gear yesterday.. still supposed to be just getting familiar with the system @ work... doing some sample problems.. and we got slammed.... wound up doing 5 returns yesterday

gosh that sounds a lot. Make sure you do have an easy weekend. I have to do my accounts on Sunday...but am going shopping on Saturday for myself (that never happens normally I'm getting stuff for other people - but tomorrow - just ME )

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will do your ironing kasijab.. if you come do my dishes, but be warned.. they are the ones that don't fit in the dishwasher

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Wish Fairy wrote:
Frannie wrote:
Wish Fairy wrote:

Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend ?

nothing planned here.. resting my brain.. had to kick into high gear yesterday.. still supposed to be just getting familiar with the system @ work... doing some sample problems.. and we got slammed.... wound up doing 5 returns yesterday

gosh that sounds a lot.

It's really not that difficult. We have a wonderful computer tax program.. Sometimes, I feel badly about the whole thing. If people would just read their instruction booklets, they could do this themselves.. save $300.. but they are getting 'free money' (it's called earned income) so they don't mind blowing it. Me.. I'm too cheap, would never pay

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This weekend we really have to apply ourselves to digging out all the rubbish from two rooms that resemble interior skips, and dismantling quite a bit of furniture from YD's room, as there's a skip arriving next week.

We having our bathroom gutted and also the downstairs cloakroom, it was supposed to be started this past Monday, but the snow meant a delay.

Am excited, but dreading the work!

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Frannie wrote:
will do your ironing kasijab.. if you come do my dishes, but be warned.. they are the ones that don't fit in the dishwasher

I try and avoid anything that doesn't go in the dishwasher !! ..thats my next job, loading the dishwasher. ..don't mind loading it but for some reason I hate unloading it !! LaughingLaughing

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Oh No Gill...........work done in the house

We have to start doing something with our dining room - all my furniture is ready, but i had to ask the carpenter to keep it until end Feb until we can re-decorate and lay the wooden floor!!

I don't envy you at all, but it will be so FAb when finished.

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kasijab wrote:
Frannie wrote:
will do your ironing kasijab.. if you come do my dishes, but be warned.. they are the ones that don't fit in the dishwasher

I try and avoid anything that doesn't go in the dishwasher !! ..thats my next job, loading the dishwasher. ..don't mind loading it but for some reason I hate unloading it !! LaughingLaughing

I had to do that job this morning, and I hate it too. I know lots of people who hate the unloading and putting away, I wonder why really? strange, no?

I keep meaning to ask you Kasijab, where does your screen name originate from?

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Zoonie wrote:
kasijab wrote:
Frannie wrote:
will do your ironing kasijab.. if you come do my dishes, but be warned.. they are the ones that don't fit in the dishwasher

I try and avoid anything that doesn't go in the dishwasher !! ..thats my next job, loading the dishwasher. ..don't mind loading it but for some reason I hate unloading it !! LaughingLaughing

I had to do that job this morning, and I hate it too. I know lots of people who hate the unloading and putting away, I wonder why really? strange, no?

I keep meaning to ask you Kasijab, where does your screen name originate from?

A few years ago OH and I lived in Abu Dhabi where he was working and we and a few other expats had a quiz team ...this was our team name ..an anagram of all the participants ...and its just stuck, but most people on here just call me kasi Ashamed

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it's the unloading that holds everything up here, as well... someone ought to do a government study and make millions finding out why

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