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music disks

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just now i found a spider spawner (not cave spiders) and there were two chests. in one of them was random crap u usually get and in the other was two music disks. One is a CAT and the other is a 13...

Lets start a bid one them. put what record u want and how much u want it for!

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MZ wrote:
I bid 5K in yen.

i'm pretty sure i copyrighted using YEN matti


*side note* does that apply here? probs not meh Very Happy

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*rich frog steps in*
I'll buy them both for 25k. I will then proceed to make 2 jukeboxes, and afterwards I will place the jukeboxes along with the disks in a random place(won't be in the middle of nowhere though). If you can find them, you can keep them Very Happy Think of it as hide and go seek. Wink I shall collect the disks the next time I am on.

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DallinMinecraft wrote:
spindle ill take them for 50k... any final offers... going once unless froggers is 25k each!

I think frogger is 25k each.

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Lol I totally forgot about this. xD
I have no sound so I dunno why I'm buying music discs. Rolling Eyes

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Lol, I'll just give them away.
I'll go around looking for jukeboxes and stick them in there.
(I'll secretly tp to your house while you're in there busy, and suddenly put the disc to freak you out >:3)

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TheLostDarkness wrote:
Well, I have liek 3 13s so Very Happy I can help dis evil cause >Very Happy

Muahahahah >:3 This will be entertaining indeed.

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Ah, to one day to be as rich as frogger. Spending 50k on music CD's just because. Then placing them around the map to trololol.

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>:3 Le trololol is teh funzies.
Once you get a lot of monies it is hard to know what to spend it on x)

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well as soon as the server is updated to 1.2.3 i can get in and do this disk thingy but as of now i cant get in the server! Mad Crying or Very sad Question Exclamation afro

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