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IMPORTANT (really)

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Ladies and gentlemen, I present you a video you have to watch. Its 30 minutes long. and 30,000 people depend on it. Share it as much as you can and please a GM here. If you watch this, and you consider it important enough. Put it in the main page. Where the stickies go.

Here is the link:

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I watched it and i approve of this topic!

worth a watch and its as alec says, important!

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Guest Snowy
I SUPPORT Very Happy

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Not my government, not my country doesn't mean i don't care

+1 from me

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Africa should be left alone. Especially by Americans. No

What a bunch of crap. Nobody asks why they learn ENGLISH in Uganda? Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

The Whole of Africa has been drained and still is, by the Western World and now it looks as though America (lets not forget the English) are making one last push for Ugandan oil and mineral resources and the best part is, they still manage to brainwash the masses into thinking that they are the heroes and that they are doing righteous acts (Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ecuador, Cuba, Sudan, Syria, the list is fucking endless) . Most Americans believe in the good in the world and your government is exploiting that.

I see shit like that everyday of my life and I know it's because of 1st World greed. Fucking disgusting.

After all is said and done, what about problems that don't have a face to them to target, such as poverty in general or the HIV/AIDS pandemic? There is no Kony to target there.

I am distinctly underwhelmed by this project as it hasn't sufficiently addressed these concerns and seems to just be a bunch of young people getting caught up in their own emotions and not stopping to think about their impact on the situation or what they could really do to help.

"Oh Uganda, land of beauty."

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Well you would know spindle, being from there but I see a few flaws with your post. Africa has MANY problems and there source is not JUST the west. You'd have to give yourselves a little credit as well. Unless they only teach you to blame Africas problems on the west? The west use to do a lot of resource gaining from Africa, I do mean a lot but that has pretty much all been settled down for awhile. The west now does what it can to provide what they can aid to help Africa in crisis. As well as stop the shipment of weapons to Africa which cause nothing but chaos and genocide for years. Your new source of outside strip mining of your resources comes from a country not in the west but the east. China buys rights to mine all what they can and need from Africa. All the while selling Russian AK-47 knockoffs to you as well as ammo.

If you want the west to truely stop paying any interest to Africa, you are cutting ties to billions of dollars worth of aid. Majority of which comes from America. Which is split into different problems, HIV/Aids, Hunger and constructions/schooling. This does not include the individual aid of charity organizations in the west. I am not sure how much annually they spend into African help programs. Let's also not forget UN, while very incompetent and corrupt has had it's moments stopping genocide in Africa. I would know, being from Canada who supplies the troops for majority of UN's peace keeping operations. You should stop receiving that kind of help too huh? I'm sure Africa's next genocide, those with no guns can handle those with guns fairly well. I mean, that's worked in Africa's past right?

I can go on and on about Africa but I don't want to do that, point being Spindle is that Africa has many problems and it's source is not only the west. It comes from the east as well and it comes from yourselves. Your comment of the west paying no interest in Africa serves nobody and would infact harm Africa more. All this help from the west where it is needed is done with little interest the west has with Africa. No interest = no aid and I'd like you to try and explain that to the Africans who require help and are currently receiving what little help they get. While it's not much or fantastic, it's enough to get them by. With Africa's population exploding all the time, being the 2nd highest population birth rates other then Asia. There are frankly too many Africans to give aid to and in the next few years that population is only getting bigger and bigger. Which is part of your HIV/Aids problem. Families have sex and have kids without thinking of consiquences. Many families in poverty have to many kids then they can support and many people have sex without protection either because it's not available to them or they cannot afford them. Hence spreading the disease.

Also regarding your war list, Afghanistan for the record has no oil or outstanding resources America can gobble up. Infact the main worry up unti'll a year or so ago was if Afghanistan's new government can fund it's new military and police force after NATO leaves. After the uncovered natural resource ores such as gold and other things. The mining rights was given to China, not America. China gets Afghanistans natural resources, Afghanistan gets a source of income and NATO gets stuck with the bill for this war operation and reconstruction efforts of Afghanistan. There is no income coming from that war, there is only spending. I'm no fan of America's wars but just thought I would point out that regarding Afghanistan nobody got anything from them.

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You make valid points there Demonic.

You are, however, misinformed about China's involvement. But I'll get into that perhaps at another time, I'm really knackered. lol.

Oh, also, UN and NATO = Bad in my books. No matter what you may say. My Uncle is an 'arms dealer' for the UN and they supply weapons for both sides in most of the tribal wars in and around Africa. Anyway, like I said, this is getting way Off Topic anyway.

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Well, what do you think guys? Should this be in next to the stickies? I think its important. Africa has many problems if we can solve one let's make it happen. And if for the first time in human history a terrorist or whatever you want to call him. Is arrested thanks to the internet, many problems will be solved by the internet. By the whole community. We can get more important than money.

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I diddn't really expect you to agree with me, I was expecting a more "f u demonic". Typically how debates go when I am in them. Anyways, China's involvement is one thing I am for sure certon about. They invest a lot of money in Africa, including construction projects and they get mining rights to Africa's resources. Additionally, they sell arms to Africa. This is what China does, how do you think China became a strong economy without having any natural resources what so ever? Besides a cheap labour force ranging in the millions that many companies around the world want to take advantage of. They make smart investment choices in struggling countries.

They are also known to steal military tech and sell cheaper knockoff's without permission. They've stolen the U.S. Humvee, as well as one of U.S's fighter jets. I'm assuming one they don't really care much for as they diddn't put up a big of a objection as they should have. Stuff they sometimes sell to other countries.

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Demonic. You are very wrong with this one. As some of you may know, I am Alec Macher. (duh) I am actually american, but i moved to peru. In this country sugar cane and fertilizer is and was a big boom in 1960's till present. All this sugar cane and fertilizer is exported to China. One of the biggest exports of all time. A year ago i read in the newspaper that we got to who know what number of sugar canes exported. (of course it was aproximated). This is how China has a huge economy and this is why Peru is growing. China and Peru are almost twins. They grow together and stand in 4 feet. So here you have it demonic this is why CHina is like this. A lil history/cultural class by Alec.

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aside from all the problems in africa, i said that it meant i still care

and when i said that, i meant it

what i dont support is that the first time this guy when to the american government, they said that it wasnt in the relations of the american people. BS!!!

another example of the American Government being A**holes Smile

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I just found it funny that this has been going on since 2004 (Kony moved out of Uganda in 2006), but the 'general public' in US/Canada just heard about it (Invisible Children is based in California).

For Tree:

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