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But everything changed when the fire nation attacked...

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What exactly are we seeing? I wasn't on AITM SMP very much in the past while, so I won't remember.

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You are seeing the OP's on the server going on a rampage on my small village.

First they set everything on fire and nuked it and flooded it with chickens and creepers, later, they unleashed a dragon, and after that one was killed, they unleashed many many more. So now there's a deep pit where my town used to be, and not too far away there's an even deeper one. Oh, and they later flooded the hole place with water...

I didn't get the rest on snapshot, was too busy trying not to die.
Just ask anyone who was on at the time (Zayny, Dem, Shar, Flamix, Eric, John, Bagel, Forgo, etc etc)

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JohnsonTea wrote:
Apparently we couldn't rollback an ender dragon o.o
I disabled it because it had no use... WorldGuard enables the protection, but it was set for the_end only. Sad

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Oh no! something went horribly wrong with the updating process and now we are stuck with this world forever!! hahaha that would suck! XD

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That. Seriously. Would. I probably would leave, I got robbed of all my valuable resources while I was on vacation.

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Server was getting wiped anyways so all the resources would be lost anyways to make way for 1.3. For those who have shown concern of the destruction.

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That pre-wipe party was pretty fun for a few minutes for me. Once Eric unleashed all those enderdragons my computer lagged like hell and exploded. But it was fun while it lasted Razz

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