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Fears and Phobias

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Fear of The Dark you say?

Hallucinations, been there done that....wasn't fun at all.

Clowns? Heres some Pennywise

As far as what I'm scared of that would be Snakes and High places.

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KingKnightscareXXII wrote:
As far as what I'm scared of that would be Snakes and High places.

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Cacube wrote:
Reviving dead topic!

Oh mah goodness... *Fire_Crafter throws up lava everywhere bleh oddly I seem to be the only boy that hates these creepy critters o-o

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Let's see:
Spiders, specifically ones that are actually near me.
Heights, or rather falling from said heights.

Aside from that not much really. My friends think something is wrong with me considering I tend to laugh hysterically at least once any time we watch a horror/thriller movie.

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I can relate to a lot of these, but mostly because I've experienced a lot of them. aka 3

Heights - while I was hiking in Nepal I slipped on some ice as I was walking and almost fell 80m (262feet). luckily someone grabbed my bag just before I went over.
tests - the moment you go in for surgery, although i'm sure the fear probably goes away after the first time.
loud noises, people, confined spaces - one word, Delhi
any animal - everyone else from Australia can agree that you get use to them.

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DemonicD3 wrote:
Love spiders you say? Well I hate them.

this is for you demonicD3 enjoy =D

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ZacI265 wrote:
DemonicD3 wrote:
Love spiders you say? Well I hate them.

this is for you demonicD3 enjoy =D

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I fear some things.
I'm afraid of heights, but it's not a phobia. I live on the top floor in my building (13th floor), but I don't get anxious thinking about it.
I also recently fear: the mirror, physical contact, and deep social connections.

The thing I have a phobia for is success. I have self-destructive tendencies that stop me from achieving any form of success. Whether it be for academia, career options, romance, or whatever.

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Kektklik wrote:
(13th floor)

Hmm some/a lot buildings don't have a '13th' floor, and they skip directly to 14th. Because 13 being a unlucky number and all.

Also Kektklik where in the world have you been? Haven't seen you in ages.

Edit:@Lost Look at my forum picture now.

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TheLostDarkness wrote:
Volt, you terrify me.

Ok add on Losties list of fears "Volt".

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