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Some people in maintenance

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Just found this in TOF


Some of you will notice that you are currently under maintenance. We were unable to send out in-game warnings for this.

Not all of you are currently in maintenance, as there are only certain usergroups that needs some work at this time.

We will be as quick as we can completing this maintenance.

Thank you for your patience!

don't know if mine is in maintenance or not ...just keep getting an error screen

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thank you for letting me know that ....all i get is a full screen of writing ..not the normal maintenance message

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from my PSFC friends, only noor, kasi, chiaretta, fashionista and mr mayor.... Smile

chay, zach is okay Smile

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tweet40 wrote:
from my PSFC friends, only noor, kasi, chiaretta, fashionista and mr mayor.... Smile

chay, zach is okay Smile


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i got a gift from noor... she sent it before the maintanence

it said i got a gift from maintanence Laughing (it has maintanence instead of pet's name congratulations)

also i'm worried because my brother's account is in maintanence... all of my rare items are there.. i hope something doesn't happen.. Sad

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something weird happen also when i open my Ps i thought i was hack again..my pet is bare without anything without any clothes and her loveheart headband and shades..i check my chest and suddenly it went back to normal..pheww!! Mad

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chay wrote:
something weird happen also when i open my Ps i thought i was hack again..my pet is bare without anything without any clothes and her loveheart headband and shades..i check my chest and suddenly it went back to normal..pheww!! Mad

How strange!

Funnily enough, I was only thinking yesterday that we don't have those individual maintenances any more, and woosh, here we are hit with one! Weird.

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i just visited you and zach was okay...
altough, those boxing gloves creeped veronica out...

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Fashionista wrote:
ooooooooooooooooooooh!!!!! i'm scared!

don't worry too much ..we've had sudden maintenance like this before when the servers went down. It will be back soon enough Ashamed

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i'm still worried because my storage account is in maintanence....
oh well, maybe they'll fix the cookbook, that blinks all the time...

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There's alsort wrong on mine, cant post or anything so hopefully they'll fix this soon. Dont worry im sure it'll be ok

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This was in TOF
posted by mejlis
Seeing a HTTP 500 error? This means your account is under maintenance! Not to worry, your account will be back to normal when the maintenance is completed.

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I'm not in maintenance any more .....yayyyyy I can finish my visits now

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kasijab wrote:
I'm not in maintenance any more .....yayyyyy I can finish my visits now

how long were you in maintenance for?

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kasijab wrote:
about 5 hours ...long time Ashamed

really? ug! that is a really long time!

tic toc tic toc...waiting for mine... although i had problems loading last night before bed...maybe mine is done....??

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i got back on last night after 5 hours ...managed to do my active vistis congratulations

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