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I haven't heard from Marlies, but I don't think it was their area (although am embarrassed to say I'm not a hundred percent)

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was Brussels.. but not sure exactly where BG lived. just knew Belgium

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we're getting another Winter storm.. another 9 inches of snow expected.. I am tired of this

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Frannie, the ghost I stole from the Registry, which didn't go into my account/chest, is back in Kitty's front room when I logged on as IMOM.


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Phew! Read it here about the space ships, ran back to PS, Frannie you're a star...I got the message in the game now my space ships are safe!

Sometimes I can't believe the subjects

I just saw the tree house in a friends house (from the Cash shop) it's wicked and goes into another room but your pet doesn't follow, just the pet who lives there...it's soooo cool, but soooo many CC's I don't think I like it that much

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oh i wondered about that.. so it's multiple rooms for the owner?

I don't like the park bench and am sorry I bought it.. it bends too much.. makes Misha think she is fat when she sits on it

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Frannie wrote:
oh i wondered about that.. so it's multiple rooms for the owner?

I don't like the park bench and am sorry I bought it.. it bends too much.. makes Misha think she is fat when she sits on it

OMG!!! I'm laughing so hard it hurts...Frannie you're so funny

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but it's true.. and that new black dress makes her legs look fat too! maybe cause I'm fat and I'm projecting this on her

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I like the tree house too Smile

Oh the bench isn't good?
I'm trying out an Olympics scene in one of my rooms - not sure why PS hasn't used that theme?

Frannie can I borrow the bench please, and see if Zoonie likes it?

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only twice have I bought something I hated... this is one of them.. and the other I got rid of last week.... dumped that jalisco dress on Wish LOLOL

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I'm just doing IMOM's visits for him seeing as I was messing about in The Registry.

When I get back on my account, if I like the bench, will get you something in exchange, it's the beginning of a new week, and too expensive to just ditch!

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I'm not worried about it, honestly Gill

Am making a Veterinarian's office for room 2

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I'm not keen on the bench either, but love the bikes! I'm going to save for the motorbike and get that next. I quite like the city theme but not sure Sparkle really fits in, she's wearing the tiger costume and refuses point blank to change.

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that tiger costume is cute.. will probably wind up buying coins later this week... for now I can resist

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Looking forward to checking out your new look rooms but for now I must go and do some more work.

Laters taters xx

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I'm trying to sort out this room, took a couple of pics you could look at.

I'll just make myself a lunch time sandwich while you're gone.

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Back.. Robin woke up and we sat out there a bit longer than I thought I would

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wish Bee was here... watching a travelogue on Czeck..... never realized they had internment camps

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they have been to Trebon, and 2 other places which I have already forgotten the names of

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Hi Bee, yes, it's all over the news, the internet is saying as many as 25 feared dead, but the latest BBC radio news was confirming 10, which is still 10 too many obviously.

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PS news

AND if you buy steak from the petling food section of the Food Store, they mispriced it at only 16 coins!

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Hello Zoonie and Frannie

yes that train disaster was horrible. They didn't say what caused it.

Yes Frannie - because we have borders with Germany it was convenient place for them to have camps in Czech. There was one in my town - Ostrov. We used to joke about it (as kids) because the building they used was later converted into college (yes I know it was kind of twisted joke) so we said the torture carries on...

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very pretty there though

Yay.. Robin is going to shop for me so I don;t have to go out!

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Bee wrote:
... We used to joke about it (as kids) because the building they used was later converted into college (yes I know it was kind of twisted joke) so we said the torture carries on...

On a slightly similar vein, the hospital where I was born (and also had our ED) was a very old Victorian building, originally used as a Workhouse (or Poorhouse)

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Zoonie wrote:

On a slightly similar vein, the hospital where I was born (and also had our ED) was a very old Victorian building, originally used as a Workhouse (or Poorhouse)

I've never came accross to those two words (workshouse, poorhouse) so I'm not sure what they mean but I'm guessing was not nice and happy place

1/2 steak - I wish it would be real life food Laughing

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oh I remember Olympics! Actually didn;t recall.. went back and looked

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here's the vet office.. looks awful drab though - need to punch it up

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Zoonie wrote:
Hiya again Paige, how are you doing?

Hi Gill , sorry just flicked back to the page where i came in last and saw that you said hello , but i had already gone Sad

im good thanks gill , im such a busy bee now Sad ! but i really feel like doing more stuff on the computer , but i cant Sad

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Frannie wrote:
here's the vet office.. looks awful drab though - need to punch it up

cute love it Smile

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Bee wrote:
Zoonie wrote:

On a slightly similar vein, the hospital where I was born (and also had our ED) was a very old Victorian building, originally used as a Workhouse (or Poorhouse)

I've never came accross to those two words (workshouse, poorhouse) so I'm not sure what they mean but I'm guessing was not nice and happy place

1/2 steak - I wish it would be real life food Laughing

No, not a good place, it was where they used to send people who couldn't support themselves, or, I guess, children with no support.

Frannie wrote:
oh I remember Olympics! Actually didn;t recall.. went back and looked

That's in another room Frannie, I gave up on it for now.
This one is the scene for a romantic tryst...

Frannie wrote:
here's the vet office.. looks awful drab though - need to punch it up

Nice, but how about taking away one of the examination tables, and putting in a reception desk?

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Frannie wrote:
thanks Paige.. any ideas for brightening?

hmm maybe a different wallpaper?? maybe one with a pattern or something , but not to patterny(made up word lol) after all it is a vet office Smile

oh and i dont know what it would look like but maybe some sort of bath (dk if it would look good or not lol sorry)

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