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♪ The FEBRUARY chat - part 6 ♪

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Sorry all got to run and sort the bathroom out will be back soon

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See you Boogs!

Hi Tiph
How've you been?

Good to be home, as it's raining pretty hard now (sun was shining this morning)

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Toulouse wrote:
See you Boogs!

Hi Tiph
How've you been?

Good to be home, as it's raining pretty hard now (sun was shining this morning)

I'm alive:) Happy to be able to play with the wonderful Snuffles Smile

How are you?

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I'm fine hon thanks, glad it's Wednesday, am counting down towards the weekend again haha

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Hey BG, I found all my coloured Petlings!!!!

: 3

and by me..... and I don't really mean I found them. HAHAHAHAHA!

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I am counting down the days as well!!!!

2 days til payday, and 4 days til I see my TAN TAN!!!

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Rofl, so you don't need a blue tiger anymore?

Have fun you two!!! I'm quite excited for the both of you : D

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Back for a quick pit stop congratulations

Tiph Hows the new lappy is it like my new pc Really fast?

Boogie looks like she is on steroids she moves faster than I have ever seen her move

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I think you muushed them together... needed a tan tiger and blue coyote BG. : D

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But you don't need them any longer?
Didn't know I mixed them up, sorry bout that!
How's you today???

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I know I fed my pets yesterday morning but they still are not asking me for food today yet? how odd.

They will ask when I not about and run away Sad

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nope. : D Boogie found me all the hard ones!!!

I updated with what I had in the petling thread earlier... the tigers are very cute BG!
Will update tongiht with all the missing ones too!!

I kind of gave up on my petlings.... shame on Kijo.... : C
Wish there was something you could do when you DONT want them anymore.
and even if you put them in your trunk. they will run away.

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omg im such a thicko

You must be very excited congratulations

Im going to meet Wish & boobear in the very near future I cannot wait congratulations

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Have yours ran away then Kijo?

If they run away can you get them back?

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Yes, it is super easy to get them back. you are supposed to be able to ask friends to help you get them back, but there is a PS glitch, so you pay 200 each and they come back home. : D

Lucky you!!!
this is my 2nd time seeing Tanya.
she came to see me last time, now I am going to see her!!!!

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inu-kijo wrote:
Yes, it is super easy to get them back. you are supposed to be able to ask friends to help you get them back, but there is a PS glitch, so you pay 200 each and they come back home. : D

Lucky you!!!
this is my 2nd time seeing Tanya.
she came to see me last time, now I am going to see her!!!!

Oh good at least you do not loose them forever, Ive grown very fond of mine congratulations

That must have been great when you met for the first time.

Ive chatted with Di (boo) on the phone but she lives 200 miles away from me.

Wish is in the same area prob less than 15 miles away from me, but they are childhood friends and boo is comming to visit wish for a weekend, so while she is down this way how could we not all get together congratulations

Im just waiting for the date now congratulations

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oh pooh, don't know what to do...

the girl I hang out with during classes, didn't come to class this morning (or last Wed or ...) and she's asking for my notes... I made an effort to get out of bed and make notes, she didn't, so I'm like: no you cannot have them. On the other hand... If I can't go, maybe she will lend me her notes

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Wish must be less than 1/2 hours drive from me Smile

I would spend a whole day traveling to see boo.

I remember the first ever meet it was Frannie and Kim (&bailey) we were very excited.

We need a world wide convention congratulations

Now that would be a room full of us loonies hehehehhehehehehe can you imagine all of us

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inu-kijo wrote:
whooooot WB!

not long before i leave for a WHILE.

A while?? OH NOES!!!
So you won't be here tomorrow?
That's the only time I think I can see you, because I have an early class on Friday
(whispers: and Trinny & Susannah are coming to our town this Friday, so I might go have a look...)

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Boogs, I love the idea of a world wide convention :p
I met Marlies once, but there's no one else besides her I can meet nearby!!

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I know.... we were talking aobut that another day.... and we could all wear Lapels with a pic of our pet on it, so we all know who is who!!!!
: D

BG at 9:00 I have to clean up from b-fast and don't get done until around 1-2ish... that is what I meant for a WHILE. : D

Then I get off at 3:00 home straight to bed, back at work at 11PM.

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Sorry Im in and out if I miss you go Kijo see you soon

Thats a tough one BG, would not hurt to let her see your notes as long as she would do the same for you and that its not just her being lazy.

You met Marlies Smile Bless her Ive not seen her about for ages and she is such a sweety. I often wonder how her studies are going.

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Just imagine having the chance of meeting everyone over here, that would be awesome!!

Hahahaha, sorry Kijo, I think my brain worked too much for today and is giving up congratulations

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bogie wrote:
Sorry Im in and out if I miss you go Kijo see you soon

Thats a tough one BG, would not hurt to let her see your notes as long as she would do the same for you and that its not just her being lazy.

You met Marlies Smile Bless her Ive not seen her about for ages and she is such a sweety. I often wonder how her studies are going.

It feels like she's lazy... She could have gotten out of bed without any troubles and come to class, it wouldn't hurt her (as she failed this course I'm talking about too). It's like she's not making an effort and is already convinced I'm going to lend her my notes, you see? It's the 3rd time now...
She also says that if I don't want to lend her my notes, I have to say so... I'm much too soft to say no...

Lol, forgot the Marlies part. We met each other very briefly, as she had tickets for an event for me and we met each other at the event too, but she was working. I need to ask her how she's doing, as I haven't heard her for a while

Kijo, Marlies was known as L13s on the other forum?

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ugh BG I am the same way. My owners kids came down for me to help them with English papers, and I don't mind proof reding them... but somehow the next thing I know I am re-typing the report for the oldest one!!!! eek!!!

Met some interesting people today.... a guy from WWII, who does NOT look like he would be that old.
and a family with 6 KIDS all Burnt to a crisp, mom and dad included! --- Vacation gone aray I presume!!!!
and then another who has seen 115 FEET of snow!

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I'm okay to help out where I can, and if I offer my help, but I don't want to be used because she's too lazy...

Oh Marlies is from Belgium too, she came online late at night usually (our time)

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I can understand that... I dont like being used either.
But then again..... you dont want to say no

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Yeah, so I don't know what to say. I'm really p.... off at her she didn't make the effort, she also failed that course and I don't want to feel like I'm taking notes for her (but for myself - hope I make my point). But I also don't want to say no, because when I might be sick one day and won't be able to go, she would help me out too. (then again, she is NOT sick!)

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Well my lovlies... time for Kijo to go clean. see you all later


and boogs! you are the BEST!

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inu-kijo wrote:
I know.... we were talking aobut that another day.... and we could all wear Lapels with a pic of our pet on it, so we all know who is who!!!!
: D

BG at 9:00 I have to clean up from b-fast and don't get done until around 1-2ish... that is what I meant for a WHILE. : D

Then I get off at 3:00 home straight to bed, back at work at 11PM.

that would be so funnyI love the lapel idea congratulations

Oh my you really are working so hard Sad

Toulouse wrote:
bogie wrote:
Sorry Im in and out if I miss you go Kijo see you soon

Thats a tough one BG, would not hurt to let her see your notes as long as she would do the same for you and that its not just her being lazy.

You met Marlies Smile Bless her Ive not seen her about for ages and she is such a sweety. I often wonder how her studies are going.

It feels like she's lazy... She could have gotten out of bed without any troubles and come to class, it wouldn't hurt her (as she failed this course I'm talking about too). It's like she's not making an effort and is already convinced I'm going to lend her my notes, you see? It's the 3rd time now...
She also says that if I don't want to lend her my notes, I have to say so... I'm much too soft to say no...

Lol, forgot the Marlies part. We met each other very briefly, as she had tickets for an event for me and we met each other at the event too, but she was working. I need to ask her how she's doing, as I haven't heard her for a while

Kijo, Marlies was known as L13s on the other forum?

You are far to soft Its not very nice of her to rely on you to do all the hard work Sad

I chat with marlies in ps from time to time but its normally just how are you etc..

OMG just seen the time got 1 hour before I have to go get the kids, better get my skates on and get as much done as I can before they come back and trash it all again ready for tomorrow Laughing

catch up with you all soon

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Later Kijo and Boogs!!
Am going to run downstairs too, my sister's here and I'm quite nosy what she's talking about (I hear my name sometimes...)


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Woops! forgot to refresh!

Yeah Its WONDERFUL (laptop) thanks:)

I'm glad its Wednesday - so much sleep I've missed out on this week attempting to catch up on work.

How is everyone?

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Hi Boogs, just sitting here for a couple of mins, resting, have been cleaning again. Will have to go in a bit again, dinner's nearly ready.

I feel like spring is almost here, I've been so surprised watching outside the window and noticing it's not dark anymore at this time of the day! It's messing up my inner clock again : D

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Hey Boogers, ya here??
just got done cleaning... ahhh a nice sit... ahve a couple of loads of laundry to fold still when they are done.... but other than that..... AHHHHHhhhhhhh.

: D

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hi Kijo, Im about but very in and out kids are driving me nuts, there is no pleasing them all so lots of arguing going on between them Grrrrr

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