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♪ The FEBRUARY chat - part 6 ♪

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yeah. a shame... guess it earned it's name killer whale

and yes Gill, work is over until school again next Oct and work in January

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though I did let the owner know if she needs me before the end of tax season (April 15) to call... but she has to find me first! Have two trips scheduled between now and then

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Zoonie wrote:
I'm ok thanks BG, no more renovating until Friday - that's two whole weeks with it all at a halt. The builder is booked in for 8am oh, it's tomorrow isn't it.
And it should be complete then, ready for decorating.

Yup, it's tomorrow Smile I'm glad it's nearly done, you had so many problems with it!

Zoonie wrote:

Oh my, that's awful
but then again, as Frannie said, they are called killer whales
very strange, I once went to see that Shamu show and we were planning to go again this summer

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BTW did anyone see Wish - she's off to Prague isn't she, today?

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I think she is, she was here last night, but disappeared I think

It's all over the news here too, about the orca-accident... and just read that Belgian theaters are boycotting the Alice In Wonderland movie, because it's supposed to come out in March, but the DVD is coming out in June already (there has to be 3 months in between). So probably we won't be able to see the movie in theaters.

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Frannie wrote:
I didn't see her and did not get a chance to wish her bon voyage

No, nor me, I feel bad about that.
We should make a special welcome back thread instead - redeem ourselves maybe?

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I spoke with Kim on the phone the other day.. she is way sick.. had pneumonia, then bronchitis and now is afraid she's going back into the pneumonia

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Look at the tiny tank that 5 TON animal is.

you really can't blame the animal. poor thing I feel sorry for him.

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I saw the ORIGINAL Shamoo in Seaworld Years ago.

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I want to see it too, so still hoping it comes out here!!
I've been to seaworld... let me think... 12 years ago? Cannot remember how long it's been I've been there

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Toulouse wrote:
Wish!! Have a nice time in Prague!!

Frannie wrote:
ahh there you are BON VOYAGE!!!!! we were afraid we missed you!

Thanks guys.

I popped in last night , but had a bit of a "meltdown" moment so left abruptly.

How are you all ?

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ooo meltdown does not sound good. I'm fine thanks, and I hope you are as well! How exciting Prague sounds!

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WISH!!! we were feeling bad that we missed you, so pleased that you popped in - have a safe journey and a LOVELY LOVELY time!

Frannie wrote:
I spoke with Kim on the phone the other day.. she is way sick.. had pneumonia, then bronchitis and now is afraid she's going back into the pneumonia

Oh poor Kim, I'll drop her a line.

inu-kijo wrote:

I saw the ORIGINAL Shamoo in Seaworld Years ago.

We went to Seaworld about 18 years ago, the show with Shamu was incredible, but even then, scary to think of how the people interacted with the whales. Don't know if he was an original Shamu, it says they call all the killer whales Shamu - I wonder how many they've got in captivity?

Alice in Wonderland, how exciting, I love Johnny Depp. ED's store has a Wonder Room at the moment, and all things Wonderland - they had a big media party the night before last, Courtney Love sang and Slash was there dancing congratulations

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bogie wrote:
Morning all

Hiya Boogs

Frannie wrote:
ooo meltdown does not sound good. I'm fine thanks, and I hope you are as well! How exciting Prague sounds!

LOL - yea meltdown wasn't good, but all is good now. I AM excited Fran...we may even go to the Opera Laughing

inu-kijo wrote:

look how BIG he is... sorry still stuck on the whale story.

OMG, OMG - that's unbeleivable !
Hey Kijo

OK - so myst go and get ready. Have a great weekend. See you soon

HI and bye to Gill....we keep missing each other

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Hi Wish, Kijo, BG, Frannie & me loon

Have a wonderful time Wish Smile

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Aaaw Hi Boogs, I have to say it's lovely to have you back in the mornings, really lovely

Wish is everything ok now? I wasn't around last night, sorry.

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Bye wish have fun congratulations

Oh no I thought Kim was on the mend Sad better send her some more love and homemade soup!

Is she on the gift registry? do you think she has missed any tws?

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Oh morning Boogs! How are you today?
How are your monsters, did they behave?

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Hi everyone

There's so much going on here this morning!

I know I've probably missed you Wish, but have a fabulous time in Prague.

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Its nice to be back congratulations

I missed you all very much but had no time to blink let alone get on here

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okidoki, time for me to leave
see you all later! (won't be here tomorrow morning as I have an early class)

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Toulouse wrote:
Oh morning Boogs! How are you today?
How are your monsters, did they behave?

They finally went off to sleep in the end, and I just missed you leave last night Sad sorry. Whats your plans for today?

DawnyDawn wrote:
Hi everyone

There's so much going on here this morning!

I know I've probably missed you Wish, but have a fabulous time in Prague.

Hi Dawn how are you?

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sorry last video... but this should be an indication enough about these whales..... : /

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Hi Dawn, how are you my sweet? Think of me on Sunday off to Wembley ...
have to change sides for the day!

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Hi Boogie, I'm fine thank you hun, how about yourself?

Ihave a lot to do at work today cos I'm finishing at lunch time tomorrow we'r off on a bikers weekend...should be fun Smile

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Later Wish! Have s great trip!

Later BG!!! sad i wont see you tomorrow!!!

sorry, got all preoccupied in Gills story.
I must be off in jsut a second too... Having a hard time getting motivated as my feet feet feel like big oranges.....

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Frannie wrote:
Hey there Boogie!

Good Morning Partner...

Good Morning hun, how's your first day of leisure going?

Zoonie wrote:
Hi Dawn, how are you my sweet? Think of me on Sunday off to Wembley ...
have to change sides for the day!

Ohhhhh Yeeesssss!!! Hunny have a fabulous time won't you...how very posh it'll be....COOOOOMMMMMEEE OOOOONNNNN YYOOOUUUU VILLA!!! We have a colleague who supports Villa and of course it being a Midlands team in the final well we're all over it!!!

And what about Stoke last night? That's where I'm from originally, 3-1 against Man City WHOOP!!

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OMG I wondered what was going on with the whales, and as I was watching Kijo's clip I heard it on the news.

going to read back a bit brb

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rant Between the fairies,flying saucers, ghosts, Hideeni, dogs,cats,tigers and coyotes, and a million little icons, it is far too crowded on these little screen areas to do visits and see the other pets' homes /rant

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Frannie wrote:
rant Between the fairies,flying saucers, ghosts, Hideeni, dogs,cats,tigers and coyotes, and a million little icons, it is far too crowded on these little screen areas to do visits and see the other pets' homes /rant

I know what you mean - it's not as much fun as it was...I'm not sure I'd still be playing if not for you guys, and the fact I'd feel guilty about Zoonie being abandoned.

I don't have any of the enthusiasm for the new stuff or mystery items that I used to have, simply because there's far too much stuff.

inu-kijo wrote:
Laughing sorry to sidetrack you as well Boogs.

anyways, i am off!


Later Kijo Smile

Ooops pressed Send too soon/
bye for now Dawn, yes I was excited for Stoke too Smile

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Laters Kijo

See you soon dawn Smile

I totally agree with you Frannie and just like Gill if it was not for you lot I do not think I would play.

The Big cloning hack did not help either, instantly we could all have everything we ever dreamed of so it took the fun out of trying to collect them Sad

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well girls... i think it's time for me to go back to bed. This is going to be such a treat! see you later

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Frannie wrote:
do the dogs/cats die if you place them in the chest?

I imagine they'd be ok if you took them out once a day and fed them?
Don't hold me to it though congratulations

See you later

bogie wrote:
Laters Kijo

See you soon dawn Smile

I totally agree with you Frannie and just like Gill if it was not for you lot I do not think I would play.

The Big cloning hack did not help either, instantly we could all have everything we ever dreamed of so it took the fun out of trying to collect them Sad

I think that's when it went down hill for me Boogs, and, all the weeks when there has been just so much new stuff it overwhelms me - n ot to mention how costly they've made it...it's definitely lost its way for me.

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Yes me too its 2 or 3 different themes each week now EEK!!!

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