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♪ The FEBRUARY chat - part 6 ♪

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Hi all. just quickly dropping by to say hello and how are you. the both babies are asleep. Dont know how long it will last!!!!

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Cogsy nice to see you Smile hope they give you a break for a bit

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bogie wrote:
Cogsy nice to see you Smile hope they give you a break for a bit

Probably wont last long, they are both teething and have a bit of a cold Sad

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Oh no Teething Sad all of mine cut their teeth with colds seems to come hand in hand.

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Hi Marie, crikey you certainly have your hands full, not sure I could do it!
How are you?

Heard anything of Chris lately? she seems to have gone very quiet.

Boogs, I was singing,and the dancing was in my head congratulations

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Zoonie wrote:
Hi Marie, crikey you certainly have your hands full, not sure I could do it!
How are you?

Heard anything of Chris lately? she seems to have gone very quiet.

Boogs, I was singing,and the dancing was in my head congratulations

Hi Gill,
It's hard work, but I love it.
I'm fine, not had my laptop for the last 10days so was sharing OH computer.
Chris has had her son home from the UK so has been a bit busy with that and work, think he came back here on Saturday, so she might have a bit more time now. I think she is a bit fed up with PS too. Did you notice a glitch on the PS lottery last night?

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I didn't see any glitch?

I knew Chris's son had been with her, I have had a couple of messages, if you read back you'll see me and Boogs talking about PS too, the gloss has gone off it for us Sad

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The glitch was, once you spun the wheel and then moved to another room it gave you another go. Lasted quite a while, so I would like to share the wealth, is there a TWS item you would like, you too Boogs. Even a luxury item.

I agree about PS, there should be more challenges and not as many new items and themes. Or even some more level to have something to aim for.

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Gosh someone messed up there then!

I can't really think of anything much I want off the top of my head, Marie to be honest, it's a lovely thought though thank you.

I've just eaten my lunch :Oops:

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Lunch at 10.45am LaughingLaughing
I'll send you a surprise in a little while.
Did you see Chris's post the other day on Facebook, about selling her old house, it looks amazing.
Have to run, little one awake, hope to see you all soon

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Ugh, I am back... I am not well today though

the crying b-fast girl has returned.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Ugh, I am back... I am not well today though

the crying b-fast girl has returned.

Hi & Bye KIjo x

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cogsy wrote:
Lunch at 10.45am LaughingLaughing
I'll send you a surprise in a little while.
Did you see Chris's post the other day on Facebook, about selling her old house, it looks amazing.
Have to run, little one awake, hope to see you all soon

See you soon Marie, good luck with the little ones.
I missed Chris's post, will look back.

I figured I could eat my lunch now and have breakfast this afternoon lol (there was a sandwich ready in the fridge)

inu-kijo wrote:
Ugh, I am back... I am not well today though

the crying b-fast girl has returned.

Come here, have a hug

When you get a chance later, you need to lie down with your feet and legs elevated, and perhaps some cucumber or a damp cloth over your eyes.

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Hi and Bye Marie!

Yeah Gill I have moved to sleeping on my couch (its a sectional)
I have been lying in the loveseat portion with my feet and legs propped up on this armrest section that is higher up. seemed to help a bit for a few days...b ut today is pretty bad... i didn't realize how bad til b-fast time. : C

at least i can go home and lie down.

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Im Back sorry have friend pop in for coffee.

And now im behind on everything so will be in and out

WB Kijo, sorry I missed you leave Marie.

That glitch sounds like many had fun last night Laughing

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Sad sorry to see your in so much pain today Kijo, when do you get off? so that you can go home and rest

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an hour boogs.

i always feel like the sour dumpling of the group... oh here is Kijo with all her things, again.....

: C

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Not at all

What causes the this for you do they give you any medication for it?

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Welcome back here Paige, glad you're back on line - do you need anything?

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Boogs, they are saying I have Rhematory Arthiritis... I take like 18-20 pills a day.
some days are good, other days are horrible, and seems like for no rhyme or reason, but tis so painful, I jsut wish they could fix me. ;__;

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bogie wrote:
Hi Paige how are you?

Hello Nicky xxx

im good thanks , running around like a busy bee again not much time spent here anymore Sad

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Hey Paige, I REALLY like that siggy of yours.

and I thought you should have won the magazine contest as well.... but that is just me I guess......

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What's your weather like there Kijo? does climate have any effect on your health?

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Cold and Rainy makes things worse, but tis been really nice here the past week Gill.

I really didnt think I was this bad off when I got to work..... but this is the worse its been in a bit.

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Zoonie wrote:
Welcome back here Paige, glad you're back on line - do you need anything?

Hello Gill

im glad im back online too , my computer still has its fits now and then Sad

im okay for now thankyou though x Smile

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inu-kijo wrote:
Hey Paige, I REALLY like that siggy of yours.

and I thought you should have won the magazine contest as well.... but that is just me I guess......

Hello Kijo !! Smile

thankyou i needed a change of siggy , whipped that one up pretty quick lol Smile

i had fun making it , thats the important thing congratulations i just wish more people entered but i guess they didnt have much time on their hands xx Smile

ps. love your siggy aswell so cute!!! congratulations

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inu-kijo wrote:
Boogs, they are saying I have Rhematory Arthiritis... I take like 18-20 pills a day.
some days are good, other days are horrible, and seems like for no rhyme or reason, but tis so painful, I jsut wish they could fix me. ;__;

Sad you poor thing, my nieces best friend has had that since birth and it is good and bad days for him too.

I hope they come up with some sort of mirical drug to make things better for you

Paige<3 wrote:
bogie wrote:
Hi Paige how are you?

Hello Nicky xxx

im good thanks , running around like a busy bee again not much time spent here anymore Sad

I know that feeling Ive only been back on the forum for a couple of weeks prior to that it was before christmas EEK

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Thanks, points up, BG has a matching theme as well.

Do you know how to round the edges and add a border, I think it would really POP! if you did that (but even now looks FAB!!!!!!)

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Thanks Boogs, and Gill, and everyone

You know for almost 2 weeks I was feeling really good! my feet were all pretty and normal, I could walk without limping, I could even walk up the stairs properly (down was still an issue) but since then I have been slowly deteriorating back to how it was a while back..... and I take all the same meds now for over a month!!!!

Next Dr. Visit on 11th. Will see what happens then I suppose.......

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Hey look at the page number! getting on time for a new thread please Kijo!


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I was just thinking how glad you were here so I wouldn't have too!!!!

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Perhaps the Dr will change your medication. I hope they can come up with some sort of combination of meds to ease the pain for you

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bogie wrote:
inu-kijo wrote:
Boogs, they are saying I have Rhematory Arthiritis... I take like 18-20 pills a day.
some days are good, other days are horrible, and seems like for no rhyme or reason, but tis so painful, I jsut wish they could fix me. ;__;

Sad you poor thing, my nieces best friend has had that since birth and it is good and bad days for him too.

I hope they come up with some sort of mirical drug to make things better for you

Paige<3 wrote:
bogie wrote:
Hi Paige how are you?

Hello Nicky xxx

im good thanks , running around like a busy bee again not much time spent here anymore Sad

I know that feeling Ive only been back on the forum for a couple of weeks prior to that it was before christmas EEK

eek! that is bad , i try to get on here as much as i can Sad

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so do I, I missed everyone, but RL & my family must come 1st

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inu-kijo wrote:
Thanks, points up, BG has a matching theme as well.

Do you know how to round the edges and add a border, I think it would really POP! if you did that (but even now looks FAB!!!!!!)

just saw that , cute!! love how it looks like they are attacking a monster lol congratulations clever!

i was going to add a border but forgot... i use gimp (because its free) and i havent figured out on it how to round corners yet, actually havent figured most of the program out havent had time Sad

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oh no just realised that my limit of ps photos in the album has gone over 1000 and i cant see the photos i just took then in the album because its flooded ,nooo! , does anyone know how to make a second ps folder that ps will direct the new photos too?? Sad

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Can you change the name of the first album?
and then everything else will be PS??

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Sorry got side tracked watching the Alice in wonderland trailer congratulations

I do not know how to do that sorry, paige.

But on saying that could you not transfer all thats in the current folder to a new folder? so the folder that ps sends them to is empty again?

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anyways I just opened part 7 up guys!

-----Closes this thread----

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inu-kijo wrote:
Can you change the name of the first album?
and then everything else will be PS??

im not sure , i think ps is programed to put all the photos taken IN ps into that folder Sad

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