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Village Mayor-petsociety

New coloured pets.

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Well its official, a newly released hack is out and about where users are able to change the colour of their pet (Not colour of the petlings just to clarify) to any colour they want, so expect to see alot of black pets around pet society soon.

Rumors on the vine also of a new cloning and cash coins cheat, but this is just rumor at the moment so no need to start panic selling rare items before they fall in price.

Just to warn any members, that Playfish are more than likley to start banning members with pets a different colour to those available.

So what do you think of all the cheating? Is it really worth it for a game, should Playfish start taking some real action against the cheats and hacks. Should playfish be one step ahead and maybe take a break from releasing new games until they can get Pet Society 100%, out of beta and stop the majority of the hacks?

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Well, after paying my hard earned cash for cash coins and in the beginning (before CCs came out) regluar coins...the risk far outweighs any benefits that one could have with it.

I don't really see the attraction to having black colored pets. I think the black petlings are cute, but that's just me.

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I think the attraction of black pets is mainly that black is not available, and only Hideeni and that guy in the Mystery shop are black—it's unique. Any unavailable color would be exciting and unique—black is just the most obvious... unless someone decides to hack purple polka dot or something.

The cheating and hacking—most people aren't going to quit playing PS because of others' hacking and cheating. I think as long as the hacking doesn't get way out of control, the game will continue to be developed. It would be nice if Playfish could put a stop to it. But what can they do? Other than banning people that are caught, what action can they take? It would probably take a lot of resources to clean up the cheaters and hackers.

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i totally agree with you Mr Mayor!!!!! actions must be taken now! they should be able to control it, or upgrade their systems , and delete the hackers it is not fair for other players like us! it is not fair for the game!

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i have two black pets on my list (okay, only one now, since one ofthem changed to orange)

it looks like it has no eyes or mouth. just a big red rudolf nose

but CC cheat.....
more people would be selling CC and the rate might drop down to 999s (think about that? O_O)
it would be bad (for the fair players), but at the same time good (for the fair players too) because they could buy them for less...

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black pets are adorable!! sure wish it was an option. i'd love to have a black & white cat like i do in real life.

you could always change your pet's colour .. it's not a new hack. i have a friend that changes her pet's colour (to a random hex code) every single day. =) it's harmless.

as for the hacking of items - each to their own. i'd rather play fairly. xx

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Mr Mayor wrote:
think some have got confused, this is not to do with petlings but the pets you own (your pet you play with),

oh. opps, my bad D:

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black pets will be cute- but I think the other face parts will not stand out because of the blackness. but why hack and cheat( they will get banned.) ?

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i totally agree with all of you. PS must do something to stop the hackig. it's pretty simple to know wich players are hackers. like when they have the unrealesed items before, or a black pet or millions and millions of paw points.
if the CC hack is real im will stop selling cc's because they cost me real money and i don't think is worth it if they are lowing down the price.
that's just my opinion
and for playfish i just have to say that they are enough good players to develope the biggest social game and could easily bann off the hackers without risking their number one place

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Yeah, i've just seen the hack thing that could change our pet's color. But I will never try it!

I just don't get it, why people want to change pet's colors so they can be banned? I'm happy with my pet color now.


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To be honist Playfish will never stop all the hacking and cheating plus they have never really been bothered anyways.

They wont even do much when someone has got hacked.When i got hacked, It took them 3 weeks to even reply to my eamil and even then, they just basically said that they cant do anything about it and didnt even give me anything that i lost.

I have seen lots of black pets out this week and people are still hacking in items as they just get the diffrent databases to hack it....So expect item prices to go down again soon.

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The colour changing thing has been out for a while, as i know.... I did do it like 2 months ago, but i dont have my pet red anymore, a girl on here showed me how to do it.

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