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♥FEBRUARY CHAT Part 7!!!!♥

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Morning Frannie.

Sorry you had a bad day sweets.
I woke up in pretty bad pain today.... it was quite not much fun. but got a hold of some good painkillers, and I am quite content at the moment.
Went out to eat had a few drinks, and rented a movie that ended up being horrible. Not such a bad day.....

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It was good all in all - had lunch out and the afternoon off, but it seemed like it went downhill the later it got last night. Oh well, today's another new day.

You seem to wake up a lot in pain lately - do mention that to the dr.
What movie did you see?

Lol Frannie, it depends, our mail slot might be small compared to other slots. But they probably deliver with another company and they always use the doorbell

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inu-kijo wrote:
BG you know we just had our month anniversary!!!! WHOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!

I did, I realized it when I got home yesterday congratulations

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morning boogs!

will be back, one of the cats has just been sick... got some cleaning to do.

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I knew it... but I thought it was today... I got my RL dates mixed up... oooops.

: C

Yeah.... I was to the point this morning I even thought about going to the ER.
But I am fine fore now, although I am sill going to try and get a Dr appointment as soon as I get back from Tanyas......I dont have very many super awesome pain pills so after they are gone Ill be right back to where i was.

Couples Retreat with Vince Vaughn? thought it would be funny..... awful movie.

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morning BG and yuk see you soon

Hi Kijo can you not try and see a Dr sooner? its not right you being in so much pain Sad

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Hey good morning Boogie... i was just on my way out for a few minutes

Kijo - What are your super awesome pain pills ?

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Morning Frannie Oh I better run and get my coat if we are off out congratulations

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it's ok Boogie.. I keep some exxtras on the hook on the way out.. grab daughters... will be just fine.. there's some slippers and croc type things that hang out there as well

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I'm back ??

inu-kijo wrote:
I knew it... but I thought it was today... I got my RL dates mixed up... oooops.

: C

Yeah.... I was to the point this morning I even thought about going to the ER.
But I am fine fore now, although I am sill going to try and get a Dr appointment as soon as I get back from Tanyas......I dont have very many super awesome pain pills so after they are gone Ill be right back to where i was.

Couples Retreat with Vince Vaughn? thought it would be funny..... awful movie.

Lol that's okay hun, have been having troubles with dates the past week

Good thinking of getting an earlier appointment, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

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Boogs I am making the plans to. After the last couple of days, i decided this wasnt even humanly manageable. No person can be expected to live this way.

But I had no time on Friday (yesterday) they are not open on Weekends, and I leave Monday, and wont be back until Wednesday, which I have to work a double as soon as I get back.... so the next POSSIBLE date I could go is Thursday, but I am still going to call and see if they can fit me in then.

I think I need to go to like a real Orthopedic doctor.... but those are expensive and I have no insurance.

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Yeah, see all our dates are backwards at hotels.... we go on Business dates.... which means up here today (for me) everything is the 26th still. Doesnt turn 27th until 7:00 person shows up.... if that makes any sense... its a little weird...

Did Frannie and BG see the teddy bear outfit I made??
I was rather happy with the outcome, although it s a bit plain Jane....

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Morning all. I get to visit while OH (who has only just got up) and the little one build things. congratulations

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inu-kijo wrote:
Yeah, see all our dates are backwards at hotels.... we go on Business dates.... which means up here today (for me) everything is the 26th still. Doesnt turn 27th until 7:00 person shows up.... if that makes any sense... its a little weird...

Did Frannie and BG see the teddy bear outfit I made??
I was rather happy with the outcome, although it s a bit plain Jane....

It is weird, I see why you can get so confused !

I did see the teddy outfit for Tanya, I loves it!!!

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BOOOO! Did you ever see your pics I made you?? Look at page 4 of the Hidenii Thread sweets!!!!

havent seen you in a while, and didnt know if you would know to look there....

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Good thanks hon, how are you today? Any exciting plans for the weekend?

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Sorry kids sidetracked me for a minute then.

Kijo I hope they can fit you in on Thursday Sad

I think its a specialists help that you need, over here in the uk we do not have to have insurance to be treated, it must be so frustrating for you.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Loracets Frannie..... much more effective than Tramadols.

yup, they work! if that doesn't continue to be effective, can try percocets maybe... but just be careful with any of them.. I have some loracet.. I'll try to push them through the screen...

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inu-kijo wrote:
BOOOO! Did you ever see your pics I made you?? Look at page 4 of the Hidenii Thread sweets!!!!

havent seen you in a while, and didnt know if you would know to look there....

Oooooh!! No I haven't looked - will go now. Yay! Thank you. Smile

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Ive been booted out of ps with server error 500 has it happened to anybody else?

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bogie wrote:

Ive been booted out of ps with server error 500 has it happened to anybody else?

Hello me twin! Nope - still in for the moment. How's the mood in the Boogie household with the Portsmouth news yesterday?

Frannie wrote:
Hi Boo! nice that he kids are building with Daddy

Frannie! How are you and the family? All well I hope. Smile Heehee! Now it's just Daddy building the K-Nex thing - little one went off to his bedroom to find something better to do! Laughing

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but... they are showing another Apollo Ono race soon. so just might stay up for that

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Kijo! I love those - BooBear looks soooooo cute! I left a note on the other thread too. congratulations Thank you so much. I just need a lesson on how to get them so I can use them now. Smile I know you don't play actively any more but can I send you some stuff to use for your competition? Maybe some of this weeks TWS?

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BooBear wrote:
Good thanks hon, how are you today? Any exciting plans for the weekend?

No nothing planned so far, sister's been asking me to go see a movie, but I haven't worked out yet if I want to go tonight. I was going to meet up with my best friend yesterday, but eventually I texted her to reschedule (feeling a bit sick and tired) and she agreed as her meeting was still going on and it could get really late.

bogie wrote:
I think its a specialists help that you need, over here in the uk we do not have to have insurance to be treated, it must be so frustrating for you.

It's so strange how things are so different everywhere. I remember when I had complaints in the beginning, I just went to our regular doctor (you know, the kind that gives you pills if you have the flu or a cold or something) and he advised me to get my blood drawn and check the results. After the check up and noticing something was wrong, he immediately contacted a rheumatologist to get other things confirmed and she had been treating me for like... 5 years I think? I recently changed doctors, because the one I have now lives closer to my place and the other one was ill for like almost a year and never contacted us.

bogie wrote:
Ive been booted out of ps with server error 500 has it happened to anybody else?

I also just got booted out, something about save failed.

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Hope you are feeling better today Toulouse. What film are you thinking of watching? Not that I get to see any these days unless they are kids films! Laughing

Frannie - 4.15am! eeeeekk! You must be shattered.

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Boo you really not need to send me anything, I do this or fun and for getting rid of boredom late at night!!!!
(I actually thought more people would be interested when I first started the thread than they have been, but thats okay too.)

Donations are always acaepted though, and Tanya and I have been planning 2 more compes in the future, so stuff can always be used if you need to give something.

again. I dont need anything at all for it.

Frannie.... I dont have aprescript for the good stuff. my dr wont give narcotic prescript cause i go to a free clinic. (its a lot cheaper there.) So I am buying them off of someone.... but I am paying 4-5 bucks a piece... when a 60 pill prescrip is like no more than 20 bucks.... : /

Boogs. yes it is very annoying here.... at specialist you usually have to give them a 60 dollar co pay upfront before you even see the Dr. then you have to pay the rest afterward. I seriously can not afford that.

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ahh no Boo.. been up over an hour already.. this is pretty normal for me.. that's why I usually have 2 mornings

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BooBear wrote:
Hope you are feeling better today Toulouse. What film are you thinking of watching? Not that I get to see any these days unless they are kids films! Laughing

Frannie - 4.15am! eeeeekk! You must be shattered.

She's been asking me to see "Valentine's Day", something girlish, romantic I think.

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wow Kijo.. that really sucks.. yeah I can get 60 percocets or Loracets with my insurance for $5.... being without insurance is so so tough

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BG what is a rheumatologist exactly??

the ORthopedic is a Bone Doctor, i figured that is who you would see for these types of things.

I seriosuly thing there is something REALLY wrong with my bones.
yesterday I had bruises under the skin under every single one of my finger knuckles (right where you finger bends int he middle?) and it feels and looks like the kuckles are turning sideways.
I want the DR to take x-rays the next time I go in. on my feet too!!!
I jsut need to get this under control.
I feel like I am not going to make it to 22 most days!!!!

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and sso unfair that you get penalized for working.. If you were some bum with nothing.. you'd get medicaid

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Frannie you are a lucky dog.... i wish we lived closer. : D


BG i think Valentines day is suppose to be a funny movie!!!!

I wanna see it!
I am sorry you feel so cruddy as well. I feel like I jsut took over with all my stupid stuff jsut now, and ahve not properly payed attention to you.

I hope all is well with you sweetheart.

are you gonna be here when i get back from b-fast??

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Kijo, I think this site will explain it much better then I can: http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=11968

I can only tell you what she's for me. I have to see her every three months (or the period gets longer if I'm stable enough) and she does a check up, like feel my joints, see if there's anything wrong with my posture and so on. She asks me how it's going, if I have been ill or if I've been having problems. She's also the one that prescribes me my meds and also checks up my x-rays (that have to be taken once every year).

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Sorry you're nor feeling good kijo. Hope things improve soon. I will send some stuff to you for your comps - I love what you did to BooBear!

Frannie - I don't know how you cope getting up twice! I can live with about 4 hours sleep (in fact I usually do) but disturbed sleep is so hard to deal with.

Haven't heard of that film Toulouse - but then that's not really a surprise, it hasn't got a chipmunk in it and I'm pretty sure it's not animated so not on the radar of a 4 year old! Laughing

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inu-kijo wrote:
Frannie you are a lucky dog.... i wish we lived closer. : D


BG i think Valentines day is suppose to be a funny movie!!!!

I wanna see it!
I am sorry you feel so cruddy as well. I feel like I jsut took over with all my stupid stuff jsut now, and ahve not properly payed attention to you.

I hope all is well with you sweetheart.

are you gonna be here when i get back from b-fast??

I love the 'lucky dog' expression, can't help it congratulations

I have no idea, a friend of mine went to see it and didn't think it was a good movie, others say it it quite good. I just don't know if I'm in the mood for that kind of movie. Ratatouille was on last night (the one with the rat as a chef) and I just cried at certain times Laughing

Hey, you did pay attention to me, I haven't seen any differences, only thing is I'm around less because I have early classes sometimes. I will be here still when you get back!

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BooBear wrote:
Haven't heard of that film Toulouse - but then that's not really a surprise, it hasn't got a chipmunk in it and I'm pretty sure it's not animated so not on the radar of a 4 year old! Laughing

Oh how I loved that chipmunks movie!!!

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Last thing before I go:

Boo, do you still need help saving the files:

most computers now a day you can click on the picture and drag to your desktop, and Voila!! It is saved!
If not, just right click, and save pic as and save to your computer.

: D

if you are still here when i get back i can help you set up your avatar too, but if you save the pic to your computer, you can upload it directly to the avatar thing and you are set to go!!!

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Yeah! We just watched the first chipmunk movie again this morning! Laughing

Thanks for the tips kijo - I will gove it a go now. congratulations I think I can do the avatar thingie - just wasn't sure the best way to save them.

See you later Frannie - sleep well.

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