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♥FEBRUARY CHAT Part 7!!!!♥

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I think that is one funny movie!!! I haven't seen the second one yet, waiting for it to come out on TV I think

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Sorry im so in and out the kids keep demanding my attention

Sleep well Frannie

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I haven't seen the second one but OH took little one to the cinema when he was off and they both really enjoyed it. congratulations

Boogs - all OK there?

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What's not to love about talking/singing chipmunks!!

Aww boo, I love your avvie!!!

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Sorry back again kids will not stop arguing Sad

It that time of the month and I just want to sit quietly but they have other ideas! and OH is working all weekend Sad

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Thanks Toulouse! They are all so cute but I love the tiger. congratulations

Awww Boogs - big for you. Wish I could help out. Sad Very lucky this weekend OH actually has 2 whole days off. :o

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I now have 2 glued to a film but the other does not want to watch it Sad its so hard trying to please all of them.

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It's fab isn't it!

Oh - what are they watching Boogs? G has had a good morning and is amusing himself really well. T is just about to build his Thomas the Tank Engine track for him! Have to say - he normally requires more attention than this.

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They are watching charlie and the chocolate factory congratulations

D is stood next to me nagging that I need to print the words out for a story so she can read it Laughing


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Oooooh! The original or the Johnny Deppp one?

Ah well, at least she's reading!

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Had to run downstairs because parents just got back from the store and they brought me something - like a bathroom stand, but smaller and you can hang it on the wall, so I can put my products on there and my contacts (there are a couple in the house who keep replacing the holder and I have to admit I don't like that)

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Yeah, that's me. I can make a lot of mess - like in my room, but I've always been very organized.

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I really should clean up my room, but I feel a bit too lazy :blushes: And it's not much left to do, so I can do that in the afternoon.

Sister just emailed me to ask to postpone our visit to the cinema to next week, as she's feeling a bit under the weather. So that's good, makes that I can get a lot of work done too today.

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Ahhh! It will all still be there later hon. Smile No need to rush to do it now. Laughing

I'm a bit sad actually - I put one of my petlings in my chest last night after I had fed them as I wanted to change the colour my other one with a petling biscuit and didn't want the wrong one to eat it. Now I can't find him. Sad

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Lol, completely true! I'm just reading a bit in my course text for statistics (trying to catch up with the material. I did that last night too, lol, but didn't sleep so good afterwards Laughing

Oh I've had that too before, I searched for 'petling' and the name of my petling, but didn't find anything in my chest, so I went through every item and was able to find it back that way

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That's what I did - searched for petling and his name! I will have to go and trawl through my chest and see if I can find him. BRB

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sorry im back

Boo look up cat or dog or puppy or kitten it changes as they grow

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Good luck Boo!

WB Kijo!
So, did Faithless ring any bell? congratulations
I am listening to the radio in the meantime (trying to get my mood better lol) and I love this song, maybe you know it:

Little Lion Man

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Yay - found him!!!

May not be here for a few, G has decided that he wants to take Boo fishing! Need to supervise otherwise all my rare food will end up in the pond. See you in a bit.

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grrr the kids are off again, will try and get back if I can

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To be honest, i forgot to listen to them : C

Will look them up now whil ei have a moment.

Boo i see you figured out your avi!!! Yay!!

Boogs, Boo did you see Tanya Teddy?? its on the last page of Hidenii, my latest concoction. : D

Boogs.... that picture really scares me... almost made me cry.

Some of my fingers are a little fatter at the joints, but one of my toes is similar to that pic..... ; C

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Kijo, don't focus yourself on the pic, gimme a sec
(the reason why I am saying that is that it looks like someone who didn't get a treatment)

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sorry did not mean to scare you Sad Its the joints so make it look like your bones, have you tried any of the online Arthitis support groups or forums?

you might get some tips on alternitive treatments, from people in the same position as you.

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No not yet, I keep marking pages you guys give me, but i always seem so busy and never get around to it! I know its not much of an excuse. I need to check up on this stuff. Just seems like I have no time, everytime I turn around its time to do something else!!

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I actually looked up a book for you too on Amazon (I was looking if they had the book I have in English, but no results)

this one

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Can't see what you posted BG.

I am just getting worried cause everything seems so bad all the time. : C

your PM helped me a lot thanks

Its like the most stressful thing I had to deal with ever..... I dunno... there is no words to describe how I have been feeling---- besides pain. its A LOT to deal with.

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Sorry all - better go and get something done with my day since it is now 11am! Lovely to chat and thanks again Kijo. Will send some stuff to you later.

Have a good day everyone. xxxx

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Book look good, i will ahve to order it when I have a little extra cash, thanks for that link BG.

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Sorry, I should make it bold, so it's better to be seen!

I thought the PM would reassure you, was going to post it here, but that would be strange : D

Yeah I think... You have no idea what's going on or happening with you, once you know for sure and get a good treatment, it's much easier to deal with. And the pain will eventually go away (unless if you have a bad day offcourse, that could also happen). I think for me it was also pretty stressful in the beginning, because I had to wait for a confirmation I had RA, so started reading on the net about different kinds and all of a sudden, I had them all, just by reading too much. And once my RA doc told me I had RA, it felt like a burden fell of my shoulders and I was able to cope and deal with it.

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Sorry Kijo, It is a horrid that you are having to deal with it and with not much help, Im just worried that you are not getting the medical attention that you need Sad

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Yeah, I am starting to worry about the Dr I have as well..... that is why I was wishing I could see a specialist.... i wonder if i can ask to switch Docs at the clinic...... I will have to see what he does for me this time around, and If i am not satisfied... I need someone else to look at me.

Need to look into insurance too..... this disease isnt going anywhere....

Yeah....well, I didnt want to say.... but another reason why i havent really been looking up a lot of stuff, is I dont want to see all the bad stuff, and see all the things I might have to deal with in the future..... I am having a hard enough time with it now... and i dont think I can ut anymore on my plate. and its sort of hard to explain any of this to people I know.... i dont think they understand how serious this is, or how much pain I am really going through.
Believe me, I could do so much more for attention... this would NOT be my number one choice, you know?

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Hey, I wanna make another costume.... Like I did with the teddy, what do you think BG??

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You know what i hate more than ANYTHING. I hate people looking at me.... just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

Like late at night when someone sneaks up on me and they have to watch me stand up, and then wait that awkward moment to where I am able to walk..... i HATE people seeing that. I hate people seeing me be weak, and dont like being stared at for something that I can not help.

i have gotten to the point where I dont like to go anywhere at all because people stare. i can't go to a restaurant, I cant go anywhere, and I just HATE everything about this. I wish it would just go away!!!!

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That's what I would do too, just wait and see how the Dr helps you out and if you're not satisfied, you should go for a second opinion or another Dr (not sure how the system works there). And probably a good thing to take a look into insurance probably, because -don't want to be preaching here- it's something that you have for the rest of your life (imagine me giving you a very big hug now! Because I know this one is hard to deal with)

It's a good thing not to look up a lot of things, I also saw malformations and bad things and it really upset me. That's why I sent you a pic of my hands, to show you it doesn't always turn out bad. I found out someone in my classes also has RA (because the Dr told me) and I really have to admit it doesn't show who it is. Once you get treated, no one sees a thing about you!

And true, there's a lot of people who think you're just trying to get attention and they don't really get the point it really hurts and it is something bad that's happening to your body. I remember a few years ago (heard this one of my best friend years after) someone made the remark of me trying to get attention by limping, but I really couldn't help it, because my feet hurt so bad back then. that's just something because they're (hope I get this one right) narrow minded.

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I understand your pain Kijo, I really do not know how you cope with your jobs

I worry because without insurance you will not get all the treatment and help you need

The Teddy is so cute your so clever congratulations

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Right. I think the people around me think I am faking or "milking" this because it has been so long and still no better really.... and tehn there was the two weeks where I was FINE then started to decline again..... so i can understand their point of view...... But I couldnt fake this... and the past three days... just awful. the morning girl here made a comment about me being a crybaby the other day because I was in so much pain, walking was literally making me cry (she has NEVER seen me cry before... and I do NOT just sit around and cry all day)
So I was kind of upset about that.
But its a hard strain, not only on your body, but your mental and emotional status as well.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Hey, I wanna make another costume.... Like I did with the teddy, what do you think BG??

that would be awesome, have been thinking about plushies... lemme have a look!
there's like a snow leopard, a bunny (offcourse) you could use?

inu-kijo wrote:
You know what i hate more than ANYTHING. I hate people looking at me.... just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

Like late at night when someone sneaks up on me and they have to watch me stand up, and then wait that awkward moment to where I am able to walk..... i HATE people seeing that. I hate people seeing me be weak, and dont like being stared at for something that I can not help.

i have gotten to the point where I dont like to go anywhere at all because people stare. i can't go to a restaurant, I cant go anywhere, and I just HATE everything about this. I wish it would just go away!!!!

I completely get this part, it's dreadful of having to know people stare at you because there's something wrong and you cannot help it
I sure wish you get better soon!!!!

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hey have you told that morning girl what's wrong with you?
maybe you should give her a website to read, letting her know you're really not faking it

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Awww thanks boogs!!

i thought it turned out pretty well!! took me a while to make sure I had it in "PS style" so it fit in and looked like it really is a costume.... I am thinking aobut doing a dinosaur... or a monster or something else... not sure what though....

what costumes do you guys think would be neat?

Its too bad Tanya logged off right when i was uploading it, I made it jsut for her ause i know she loves teddy bears, and I really wanted her to see it.

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bogie wrote:
Im so glad Kijo has you BG

I'm just trying to help her out where I can, really, I know what it is she's going through and try to help her get through this awful period. It's sad to see her in such pain and I wish I could help her more as others have helped me out.

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