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♦ !! MARCH chat - part 1 !! ♦

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inu-kijo wrote:
Okies back for just a few. then makeup and shoes, and have to head out!!

Laughing thats funny, cause i was going to send you a package of american candies and things we always discuss, and never have gotten around to it. (wish i could send hot pockets, but dont think they would save in the mail very well.....)

Hello Kijo Smile

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Phew~! I don' t normally have time to read back but I'm still off sick and so wanted to know how Kijo got on yesterday.

Honey it sounds like you had one H of a day sweetie...like you really needed to have to sit there with the trouble you're having. But I'm happy that the dr seemed to take some trouble with you darling and that today you feel a little better. I hope you can manage an appointment with the specialists andthat the clinic can help you long term

I hope I havent' missed you again, I wanted to wish you well and send virtual hugs xxx

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yeah.... cause skittles are so dangerous.

Ill have to be careful what I pack then.. nothing perishable for sure. : D


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You never know!
It said 'candy' on the outside of the package so it was quite funny

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inu-kijo wrote:
yeah.... cause skittles are so dangerous.

Ill have to be careful what I pack then.. nothing perishable for sure. : D


hehe congratulations

hmmm now thinking about lollies but just smelt spaghetti and dont feel so well lol

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Thanks Dawn, that is very sweet.

i kind of like the Dr that I had last time..... i wonder after my next appointment If I can switch to her, or if she is a walk in Dr only (some Drs there only see walk ins)

Yeah... the clinic is very.... weird.
Its first come first serve, with exceptions to appointments.... but (hope this does not sound bad) its in the lower class area of Svannah so a lot of Black people show up who are not sick looking for a slip to get out of work, and homeless people show up loking for a warm place to hang out.... so a lot of the people there are not really "sick" which is another reason why when REALLY sick people go in, we might not get the treatment we deserve.

but that is what I can afford, so for now I have to deal with it.

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"candy" its code for REALLY BAD DRUGS!!!!

Well i have to jet, i will be back on within an hour though, so no worries!!!! : D

BG look up the skittles commercial with the singing rabbit. I HATE IT! ITS SOOOO CREEPY!!!!!



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inu-kijo wrote:
"candy" its code for REALLY BAD DRUGS!!!!

Well i have to jet, i will be back on within an hour though, so no worries!!!! : D

BG look up the skittles commercial with the singing rabbit. I HATE IT! ITS SOOOO CREEPY!!!!!



Laughing I know, so it is quite funny congratulations

See you in a bit!!!

Going to look up the commercial as we speak
(uh oh)

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Now that is plain stupid congratulations
My ears hurt from hearing the bunny sing!

Will be back in a bit too, lunch is ready

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No it doesn't sound bad sweet, all towns have one of those areas and all towns have people bleeding the system.

I did read your earlier posts hun, and got that that was the case, I think you were talking to Boogie at the time, I kind of agree with her that we're very lucky here. Even the lower social scale get the care they need here without charge.

I just hope you can get the care you need and that they can keep you pain free.


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inu-kijo wrote:
Thanks Dawn, that is very sweet.

i kind of like the Dr that I had last time..... i wonder after my next appointment If I can switch to her, or if she is a walk in Dr only (some Drs there only see walk ins)

Yeah... the clinic is very.... weird.
Its first come first serve, with exceptions to appointments.... but (hope this does not sound bad) its in the lower class area of Svannah so a lot of Black people show up who are not sick looking for a slip to get out of work, and homeless people show up loking for a warm place to hang out.... so a lot of the people there are not really "sick" which is another reason why when REALLY sick people go in, we might not get the treatment we deserve.

but that is what I can afford, so for now I have to deal with it.

this happens alot in australia too....

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Hi Paige and Toulouse

Sorry, sorry I was sidetracked needed to get my note in to Kijo before she left...How are you both?

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DawnyDawn wrote:
Hi Paige and Toulouse

Sorry, sorry I was sidetracked needed to get my note in to Kijo before she left...How are you both?

Hello Dawn Smile sorry so did i ! Sad

how are you??

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I'm good thanks Paige, well not so good really. I think it's the time of year but I have a really heavy cold and the worse cold sores which have caused my glands to swell and I feel a bit Meh!

But apart from the above I'm ok Laughing

I see you have a headache too, is it hot where you are. My friend lives in Perth and she can hardly cope with the heat 42 degrees!!!

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Back for a bit but will be very in and out sorry Ashamed

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Im trying to find posts by Holly (scuba) on here and in PF forum, but cannot find any Sad its her birthday and Im trying to find a wishlist

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DawnyDawn wrote:
I'm good thanks Paige, well not so good really. I think it's the time of year but I have a really heavy cold and the worse cold sores which have caused my glands to swell and I feel a bit Meh!

But apart from the above I'm ok Laughing

I see you have a headache too, is it hot where you are. My friend lives in Perth and she can hardly cope with the heat 42 degrees!!!

sorry for the late reply dawn Sad

aww Hugs for you hope you start to feel better soon

yes its hot over here , i live about an hour away from perth , i think it gets 2 degrees hotter here then over in perth (im pretty sure its 2 degrees..) Sad

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bogie wrote:
Back for a bit but will be very in and out sorry Ashamed


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bogie wrote:
Im trying to find posts by Holly (scuba) on here and in PF forum, but cannot find any Sad its her birthday and Im trying to find a wishlist

Hi Boogs

I don't know Holly hun, sorry I can't help there.

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Hi Paige, Hi Dawn

Ive given up and sent her a couple of bubble chairs so she can go shopping herself congratulations

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That's probably the best idea Boogs 8) shopping's always good.

I'm going to shoot off for a bit, got a headache need ot get some fluids inside me.

Laters guys xx Have a good day xx

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inu-kijo wrote:
OK I am here.
Might be in out and... work and all. : D

Hello Kijo Smile

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bogie wrote:
Hi Paige, Hi Dawn

Ive given up and sent her a couple of bubble chairs so she can go shopping herself congratulations

Hehe Smile good choice lol

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DawnyDawn wrote:
That's probably the best idea Boogs 8) shopping's always good.

I'm going to shoot off for a bit, got a headache need ot get some fluids inside me.

Laters guys xx Have a good day xx

cya Dawn Smile

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Bye Dawn hope you feel better soon

Hi again Kijo Im very in and out too


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Ive been not up to much thats why im going to be in and out have lots to do, and the boiler is leeking Sad so im trying to fix it

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Oh I am sorry hun, I hope you manage to fix it!

Oh Kijo, I found another interesting website... Going to PM it to you
(its nothing dangerous, it's a place where you can see TV shows online)

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Ok BG, cause I am feeling pretty good today, dont need anything to make me cry or have nightmares!!!!

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Cold and gloomy?
I'll send over some sun, it finally came through (but still cold outside)!

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Just want to say quick hello and
to everyone.

Had nightmare journey to work today and my lappy is playing up so I'm in process of rebuilding it.

I should be moving weekend 13/14 March so wish me luck.

Work is mental (and the fact that I got here 1.5 hours late is not helping) so I can't stick around *cry*

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Bee wrote:
Just want to say quick hello and
to everyone.

Had nightmare journey to work today and my lappy is playing up so I'm in process of rebuilding it.

I should be moving weekend 13/14 March so wish me luck.

Work is mental (and the fact that I got here 1.5 hours late is not helping) so I can't stick around *cry*

Hello bee

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Hi bee sorry work is so hard.
I posted an update on page 21 sweets. I know you would want to know.

BG, well you are sunshine bear. : D I had a girl asking for a carebear in the hidenii thread, but I dont think she understood i didnt want to make duplicates, and kept asking for ones I already made, so i finally had to post a list for her... think it was a language barrier, she was sweet though.... she is getting baby sweets bear or soemthing??? dunno.

BG the tiger is soooo cute! Lurve it! : D
Do you know how to make the backgrounds transparent??

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Hi Bee sorry to see your having a nightmare day Sad

Good luck with the move :cheer:

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Kijo this never fails to make me laugh congratulations

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think it would be kind of neat to make a carebear pic when all the bears are taken. : D

thought about making Joki one... but the only one should would prolly even fit is gloomy bear, unless there is a "broken" bear, since that is all I am good at lately.....
but that is already taken, and everything else is the same colour as Joki, so i will leave it for someone who wants it.

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I'm back


inu-kijo wrote:
Hi bee sorry work is so hard.
I posted an update on page 21 sweets. I know you would want to know.

BG, well you are sunshine bear. : D I had a girl asking for a carebear in the hidenii thread, but I dont think she understood i didnt want to make duplicates, and kept asking for ones I already made, so i finally had to post a list for her... think it was a language barrier, she was sweet though.... she is getting baby sweets bear or soemthing??? dunno.

BG the tiger is soooo cute! Lurve it! : D
Do you know how to make the backgrounds transparent??

Lol, I read it, I accidentally posted Snorks as the care bear and noticed you had put them up already Laughing I don't know anything about baby sweets bears

Yeah, will make it transparent, give me a sec

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I TRIED to make Joki one... But the brown-ish bear didn't fit the blue of Joki. And besides, it was horrible Laughing I didn't do a proper job

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