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♦ !! MARCH chat - part 1 !! ♦

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We're having sandwiches as we had a warm lunch today (homemade fries and stew

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Toulouse wrote:
We're having sandwiches as we had a warm lunch today (homemade fries and stew

hmm stew.. i have pot roast in the freezer, already made.. maybe that will be the answer

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Sounds good : D

I hope you guys don't mind, but am going to try to get some work done now. Will check back later!

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I love cooking.. just run out of ideas on what to make . and hate repeating meals in the month

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think i am going to go too.. want to spend some time working on my toy room!

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Frannie wrote:
very welcome Paige! whatcha gonna do with of them?

hehe planning on making a special plant room with them in one of my gardens congratulations i've always loved them because there so cute congratulations

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Well, I'm gonna have wine this evening ...it's REALLY cold here today. Dry and sunny but Freezing !

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Same here! It was pretty this morning, with the sun coming through, but the later it got, the colder...
I just had some tea lol, but that was mostly for my throat then to warm up

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Frannie wrote:
ya girls still here?

We just got here Fran...did you have a productive morning ?

Toulouse wrote:
Wish, thank you


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nope not productive at all... only thing I've done so far is go buy cigarettes. Spending money like a drunken sailor these days LOL

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i slept all the way up till 7:30... threw my whole schedule off

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Frannie wrote:
nope not productive at all... only thing I've done so far is go buy cigarettes. Spending money like a drunken sailor these days LOL

LOL...I know it ...........we are mad it's SO expensive here now I really need to give up Sad

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i think it's because I'm trying to get all the bills paid before I leave, but it sure seems like a lot.

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Oh ladies, I'll be back in a bit, Mom just called it's dinner-time

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do you have all the dolls/toys Sharon and BG? I am cleaning the chest a bit and rearranged all my dolls.. so many doubles would be happy to share if there's a hole in your collection. The extras are all on the floor in extra room 5

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Laughing Yeah, it seems that way, I know!!
Lunch was.. Let me think. 6 hours ago I think?
We usually don't eat late (its nearly 6.30pm here)

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Frannie wrote:
i think it's because I'm trying to get all the bills paid before I leave, but it sure seems like a lot.

Oh - you're off to see you brother right ? Where is he Frannie and how long will you be gone?

BTW - do you have the chef mayor and tea tray ?

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Frannie wrote:
do you have all the dolls/toys Sharon and BG? I am cleaning the chest a bit and rearranged all my dolls.. so many doubles would be happy to share if there's a hole in your collection. The extras are all on the floor in extra room 5

I think i have em all covered, but I know someone who'd be glad with dolls Ashamed
(don't look to far, she just called me)

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off to Arizona for a week Sharon... and then to Dallas TX in April

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i do have the latest MB.. are you still looking for them Sharon?

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BG.. have Mom take a look on the floor, if there's something she needs leave me a note

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Frannie wrote:
i do have the latest MB.. are you still looking for them Sharon?

No thanks Frannie - I have spare in fact congratulations

Arizona sounds fab (Dallas too) - and warmer than here I guess ?

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absolutely warmer than Ohio this time of year.. already high 70's

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DawnyDawn wrote:
Hi everyone, are you all still around?

Dawn How are you feeling ?

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Frannie wrote:
absolutely warmer than Ohio this time of year.. already high 70's

How lovely, sunny climes while everyone stays home cold....I'm excited for you.

Did I tell you my Aunt and Uncle retired from Ohio to Touson AZ? They love it! Play golf nearly every day and have built quite a nice social life out there for themselves.

Wish Fairy wrote:
DawnyDawn wrote:
Hi everyone, are you all still around?

Dawn How are you feeling ?

Thanks Wish, feeling a little better. I have the most awful cold sores in my nose and ll over my top lip. It's a nasty, nasty virus I've got myself and i'm thinking I need to stay home the rest of the week.

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DawnyDawn wrote:

Thanks Wish, feeling a little better. I have the most awful cold sores in my nose and ll over my top lip. It's a nasty, nasty virus I've got myself and i'm thinking I need to stay home the rest of the week.

Yes indeed. I think you need to stay home all week!

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Uggh Dawn that sounds awful. Sad

Under the duvet with some warm lemonade and drop of brandy Smile

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Frannie wrote:
BG.. have Mom take a look on the floor, if there's something she needs leave me a note

I will, thank you!

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I burnrt the soup AGAIN!!! I was doing so well too, cooked about 8 bowls and just now burnt one *rolls eyes*

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LOL @ Dawn and soup. I just unlocked Giant lolly today so can send you some non-burnt soup if you want :-)

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believe it or not. I set my cooking timer when I cook here...

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DawnyDawn wrote:
Hi BG how you doing hunny?

I'm fine, just ate some salmon salade something and it was too fishy so I have a very weird stomach now. And still freezing, going to grab my blankie congratulations
How are you?

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I have 30 items before I reach the next level, I'm not even sure what it is ...

Soup always comes in handy thanks Wish, free food and a great bit fill up.

I was ok with the timing Frannie, but took my eye of the ball there for a minute and the soup just catches fire at the drop of a hat!

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