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♦ !! MARCH chat - part 1 !! ♦

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Laughing welll....... Nyquil actually makes me hyper... I have to take Dayquill to sleep, but that confused people, so i just write Nyquil so eliminate confusion. : D

BG is back!!!!

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Just a quickie again, I can't stop as I have to get ready for an appointment. Still feeling really rough and have dosed myself up on medication.

Missing everyone, but have good news from Marisol, she's going away for a few days to visit family - as she's got a new job! hooray

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have missed you. hope you feel better soon!!!

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Hi Gill... and good to see you for a few minutes at least. Great news on marisol!

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Hi Frannie, how are you today?

Lol, I really hurried up, even got Mom to make me my lunch for me Laughing


Get well soon hon!

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't believe how quickly everyone took down their Western scenes.. Yes, Kijo, this is a hunt cry!

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the word can't was supposed to be in at statement somewhere

and somehow I don't think you mean it Kijo!

am watching some character on Jimmy Fallon show.. Obviously male, because of an Adam's apple, but other than that, perplexing. he's the creator of Fierce?

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noone is making fun of him, are they??

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and he's fascinating, because he doesn't speak at all like he looks

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he's a Project Runway winner... designer.. has a lot to do with fashion Week in NY... a captivating presence

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He's a designer BG.

He won Project Runway when he was 21 a couple of years ago, and I LOVE him! he is so funny

you should youtube his name and watch clips from him form the Project Runway show.

Pointing at parts of hair* This is the party, this is the business, *points at face* and this is the money maker!@

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well 4 am here.. mark's alarm is going off.. going to present him with a coffee and get back in bed all by myself

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What do you guys think of this???


still need to make an avatar, but seeing what you guys thought first.....

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There, I'm back
Maybe if I see him, I know who you guys mean

Kijo, that is awesome!!! I love the little kitty on top of her head congratulations

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i went throught a lot of trouble to make her hold this little can of tuna that they all are begging for, and i don't even think you can see it!!!

i worry too much about tiny things.....

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Yeah it's small, but I think it's neat though
You're what we call a perfectionist - which is good!

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not a perfectionist..... I dunno what I am

I pay more attention to the tiny details than the whole picture.
selective viewing or something......

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Either way it is a good thing, because sometimes the details make it worth!

How's the fever going? Still cold?

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inu-kijo wrote:
Oh, oops.
thought i was helping you out. sorry!!!!

That's okay hon
I know one thing... I REALLY have to throw away these contacts and use new ones, because I see everything in a blur...

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then should I change the siggy a bit since its hard to see it??

: /

Thinking.... maybe a bag of groceries with salami and stuff instead??

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I think the can's a bit too small if you don't know it's there
You could try to work something else out, but wondering... they are asking for fish, so I would think to keep it fishy

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I ordered my new contacts waiting for them to come in. these have been behaving since i bought the other ones though..... figures.....

Still hot and flushed, but freezing..... : /

I'm Not swollen anymore, but my bones feel really..... tender? I can feel them when I stand, and it still takes me a moment..... I blame all the new pills for now.

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I can change them to asking for salami and stuff again easy. : D

Maybe I will talk to Mindy, and play around with it a bit more, and see what she thinks later.

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Morning boogs.

I posted a siggy last page, comments please?

trying to decide if I need to change stuff on it or not.

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that wasnt much of a critique......


Anyways, I have to go make b-fast see you all in a bit.

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How long do you wear them Kijo?

Do you have a long day of work ahead? When you get home, take something for the fever, I have no idea if it's because of the meds or if you have something coming down.

Having a bit of a 'hard' day here myself, my fingers don't want to cooperate today, blah, but it's bearable, just don't have to start playing the piano or anything.

Will have to leave in a bit

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Hi Boogs!!

Will have to be going actually, class starts in half an hour and Dad is getting on my nerves (he's just wandering around, waiting for me to come downstairs and leave - he has to get the car checked today and prolly wants to be back on time)

See you guys later!!

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Kijo thats because you are far to clever congratulations so thing are always perfect Smile

See you later on

Hi BG Sorry to see you having a bad day Sad

Im not going to be about much either today, got lots to do, and the schools just informed me that I need to dress one of my kids as a gnome tomorrow nothing like giving us parents enough time to do these things Sad

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Good morning Kijo, looks like I missed everyone else hope you all have a great day.

I just took an hour to read back....should have said hi first duh!

Kijo, I saw Sparkle in her care bear outfit and I LOVE IT!! thank you so much Only one little tiny problem (it's me remember missus techno phobe Ashamed )

Can you hlep me to get it on my Avi pleeeeeeezzzz.

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save the file to your computer desktop

Click profile at the top tabs.

then click avatar in the tabs there.

upload it from your desktop, and click SAVE!


if you have trouble with the PNG file loading right ill upload a gif.

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What happened? It has a background....did I do something wrong tut! I'm useless at this and really need to get a grip

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