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♦ !! MARCH chat - part 1 !! ♦

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Ok I am going home.

Got to be at work at 3:oo PM see oyu all later carebears.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Ok I am going home.

Got to be at work at 3:oo PM see oyu all later carebears.

bye Kijo xxx Smile

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Awww missede you leaving...have a rest now Kijo ready for your next shift....hugs xx

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Yes Kijo gets a lots of fun from our frustrations....I'm sure that's the reason she keeps going wiht the hunt. And that we enjoy it so much Laughing bless her, she works so hard on it every week and we just whine and whine.

Remember Boogs, the bonus item has to stay a secret...we're not allowed to collaborate on that one hunny

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DawnyDawn wrote:
Yes Kijo gets a lots of fun from our frustrations....I'm sure that's the reason she keeps going wiht the hunt. And that we enjoy it so much Laughing bless her, she works so hard on it every week and we just whine and whine.

Remember Boogs, the bonus item has to stay a secret...we're not allowed to collaborate on that one hunny

yep thats me whining Laughing

100000000000000x s to kijo congratulations

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sorry got side tracked think Ive sussed out no 17 will go take a pic and post it in the hunt, let me know if you think it correct congratulations

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bogie wrote:
sorry got side tracked think Ive sussed out no 17 will go take a pic and post it in the hunt, let me know if you think it correct congratulations

Running right over...I'll be back in a sec

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Wish Fairy wrote:
Afternoon...just nipping in before I get weighed Laughing

Hi Wish, get weighed? Are you slimming hun? Me too, I do slimming world...lost 1 stone 5 pounds, only about 5 to go to target Whoot!

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DawnyDawn wrote:
Wish Fairy wrote:
Afternoon...just nipping in before I get weighed Laughing

Hi Wish, get weighed? Are you slimming hun? Me too, I do slimming world...lost 1 stone 5 pounds, only about 5 to go to target Whoot!

Yep - Also at SW. I have lost 2 stone 6 lbs ....am stuck there now..still like to lose 1 more stone (max) Not so sure this week as had a gain last week and then we were in Prague so you know wine, chocolate, etc, etc, ....................

Are you feeling a bit better today Dawn ?

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Sorry Ive put up what I think Number 17 is now took ages and had to tag it to the bottom would not let me insert a pic where I wanted it grrr

Hi wish

Oh don't I need to get fit and diet, but love food to much

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Boogs I can't see a new picture over there hun...after you put it up you need to cut and paste to put it where you want (well that's what I do anyway)

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I see Ive got it at the bottom of my post, will go see if I can move it

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I see it!! I think you may be correct hun....Whoot!!! I was on completely the wrong track with that one.


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Thanks for telling me how to move it, hope its right Smile

9 has me stumped think it might be the? am I allowed to say?

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bogie wrote:
Thanks for telling me how to move it, hope its right Smile

9 has me stumped think it might be the? am I allowed to say?

Well, erm, we're allowed to collaborate but not sure we should do it in public if you know what I mean LOL

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bogie wrote:
sorry got side tracked think Ive sussed out no 17 will go take a pic and post it in the hunt, let me know if you think it correct congratulations

hmm i was thinking that at first lol but i thought it was too white? well we'll see lol

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I know paige I could be way off but cannot think of anything else we will soon know when Kijo gets back congratulations

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bogie wrote:
I know paige I could be way off but cannot think of anything else we will soon know when Kijo gets back congratulations

well i think its close, im hoping its right lol!
hehe(screams out KIJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) no answer , well i tried to get her here congratulations

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rofl if only I had been a bit quicker she would have still been here Sad

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You're doing great Boogs and Paige....we'll soon know she's back at 3!! We used to have to wait til next day but now Kijo has the two jobs...we're getting it done quicker xx

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oh man.. my injection is burning so bad this morning!

How you feeling today dawn?

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See you later Dawn

Ouch Frannie you better have a

number 9 is driving me nuts and number 20, I hope my number 17 is correct but im not sure :pinch:

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was that poster just a one week deal? Can't even find one in the shop

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bogie wrote:
See you later Dawn

Ouch Frannie you better have a

number 9 is driving me nuts and number 20, I hope my number 17 is correct but im not sure :pinch:

I think you're right on 17... brb

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Yes the poster was and it was the cash shop Sad

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am going to tag the three of you with a photo.. might be # 20!

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OMG Ive just seen the time going to be in and out got to get some bits done before I have to get the kids.

Will keep you both posted if I come up with anything congratulations

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hi paige... just on my way out for a smoke.. tagged you in a photo... what do you think?

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Frannie wrote:
am going to tag the three of you with a photo.. might be # 20!

I saw that one in the data base too...I sent you one also, a black one?? Not sure which one but have posted black for now LOL....I'm talkking in colours hoping it'll be code for #20 !!

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Frannie wrote:
hi paige... just on my way out for a smoke.. tagged you in a photo... what do you think?

Hi francine Smile ohh i see , i looked at that in the shops , but didnt seem the right shape? i think its the closest lol since those other 2 silver bracelets were wrong Smile hehe thanks adding it Smile

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i returned the black on Dawn.. we'll just wait and see what Kijo says.. sooner or later we'll get it right!

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All full up after lunch...not too nice actually I'm waiting for my internet shopping which is arriving tonight between 5 and 6! I don't do it often cos i forget things but really don't fancy the super market this week

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i think it's awesome that you folks can shop on the internet for groceries

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Hi Paige xx

Can;t you shop on the internet Frannie? I'm shocked! But then I suppose everywhere is so much more spread out over there they'd need a massive fleet of vans in order to cope witht he demand...but yes it's great really. And you can just pop to the cupboard s to check whether yuou need items or not.

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nope.. no internet grocery shopping here... they were talking about it back when I lived in Chicago (10 years now) but when I checked into it then, the cost was ridiculous.. and did not include meat or produce.

They have tried something new here, where you can make your list and then do a pickup... but that adds a 5% surcharge and none of the stores are near me anyway

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I have to get going for a bit.. have a friend coming over to work on a project with me tomorrow and I need to have the fabric before she gets here... see you all later

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See you later hun, have a great day...

I'm of to do some housework too, bye for now everyone xx and thanks for the company xx

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Just popping in for a quick hello!
I love everyone's Care Bear Style Pet Outfits 8) congratulations

Hope everyone is doing well:)

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