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♦ !! MARCH chat - part 1 !! ♦

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WB Kijo.

Hi Dawn, finally finished opening my boxes! lol. What bad timing I had then Sad

How are you?

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inu-kijo wrote:
morning Dawn!

hey... today is Friday, isnt that fab???

Whooot!! to Friday...mind you I've had 5 fridays this week Laughing

Zoonie wrote:
WB Kijo.

Hi Dawn, finally finished opening my boxes! lol. What bad timing I had then Sad

How are you?

No hun, it's my timing that's off! You're always here just not the week I could be ... I really have to plan my sick weeks a little better

I'm ok sweets thanks, I've had a nasty virus that I thought was just a *bit of a cold* it got worse as the week went on, but I'm much better now.

It cheered me up being here all week and playing the Hunt .

I'm glad you're feeling better

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I'm sorry I didn't even know you were here, or that you were sick, feel really mean, but still - it's not a deliberate oversight.
Glad you're on the mend now.

I've just had to close PS down it was so slow, all I've done today is open boxes and try to redo room 1!

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Zoonie wrote:
I'm sorry I didn't even know you were here, or that you were sick, feel really mean, but still - it's not a deliberate oversight.
Glad you're on the mend now.

I've just had to close PS down it was so slow, all I've done today is open boxes and try to redo room 1!

Good Grief Gill, you don't need to be sorry...sweet lady. I started with a cold last weekend whilst we were away and thought that was that. Went to work Monday as normal and was Freeeezing, even though it was warm in the office, I must have looked worse than I felt cos they sent me home!! which is unheard of, anyway stayed home Tuesday (I was still laughing cos I thought it best to have the next day too) anyway it got worse and I developed horrid cold sores in my nose and all over my top lip YAK!!! My eyes are black underneath, so it must have been a really horid virus.

You just don't know what's gonna get ya down do you?

Tell us about the footie hun? I was waiting to see how it went...such a shame for Villa and Booooo to Man U!!!

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That sounds rough Dawn

Let me get a hot drink and I'll come back and tell you about the weekend (was just reading about Jon Venables and it's depressed me)

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sorry hun, was just in the bathroom....yes it is depressing. I've been watching the news a bit this week.

I remember the Jamie Bulger case so well (as if you could ever forget) because he was exactly the same age as my daughter. I remember buying one of those wrist straps and never letting her out of my sight. She was a wanderer when we went shopping and I'm horrified when I see mothers allowing their little ones to wander off in shops.

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inu-kijo wrote:
pancakes and sausages... nothign special. ; D

Yum! I had that at my cousins, we had it with maple syrup too! I loved it,

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Trying to keep as brief as poss

Dawn, Friday was a day from hell, our bathroom was meant to be finished - it still isn't finished now.
First off there was a miscommunication over the granite worktop, which took most of the morning to sort out. Then it transpired the big mirror that was meant to fill the whole space at the back of the basins (there are cupboards either side and a pelmet above) was 9½" short (WHY??!?) that's had to be re-ordered. After all that messing around and after the builder had gone, I went up to just stand and look at it all, and one of the (long awaited) basins is faulty - it has a big bump on the curved front - how no one spotted it is completely beyond me!
So now, they had to re-order, wait for it to arrive and then we have to wait until our builder can fit us in to come back, fit the mirror and replace the basin Sad

Anyway, that meant the day was very fraught and tiring.

Saturday I had to be up and out early, at the hairdressers - had my hair highlighted.
R picked me up and we went to Bluewater (had to make two returns of faulty goods) House of Fraser just refunded on a faulty toaster bought on line last August. John Lewis were a pain in the bum over a Cross pen that broke on the second use, and have insisted on sending it for repair, despite me telling them we were very unhappy about that and want a replacement - and they tried to charge £8.50 to send it off too ... so had a tussle with them over that (didn't pay anyway)

Got a lovely new Paul Costelloe shirt to wear to the match, some food in M&S and had a long lunch in Carluccio's, which was really nice.

By Saturday night I was cream crackered!


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Laughing I just went to make a drink and discovered that I started to de-scale the kettle first thing..I'm such a dizzy thing.

I'll be back in a bit

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Ditsy Dawn! congratulations

DawnyDawn wrote:
sorry hun, was just in the bathroom....yes it is depressing. I've been watching the news a bit this week.

I remember the Jamie Bulger case so well (as if you could ever forget) because he was exactly the same age as my daughter. I remember buying one of those wrist straps and never letting her out of my sight. She was a wanderer when we went shopping and I'm horrified when I see mothers allowing their little ones to wander off in shops.

Kijo, one of the two men who were guilty of abducting, torturing and murdering this little boy (when they were only about 10 years old themselves) has now been returned to prison, as he broke the terms of his licence (they both served 8 years in a secure children's home and were then let out into the community again, but with new identities and on lifelong 'licence')
(didn't want to leave you out of that bit of the convo)

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Oh my, what a couple of days indeed! It never rains but it pours hey hun?

And your bathroom....OOooooo I'd be spitting blood I can tell you, no wonder you've been stressed and had such a bad migraine, this saga has been going on for weeks!

Nothing worse than all that nonsense when all you want is to be excited about your new bathroom...I feel for you babe.

And to top it all having to deal with incompetent sales assistants! Why do they have to behave as though the goods are their personal belongings! For goodness sake just replace the faulty goods, that's what will happen in the end anyway! Grrrrrr!!! for you!

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It seems like the pen has a bit missing inside the barrel, why they couldn't just replace it and get a new one themselves from Cross, is beyond me. Anyway they can deliver the new one, I ain't fetching it.

I was worrying about being unwell on Sunday anyway (lack of sleep the previous week and that 'raised temperature in the night' - plus I was quite ratty with R, so I knew what to expect) Luckily Sunday was ok, but we were awake at about 3am listening to torrential rain and storms and pondering on why Wembley doesn't have a full roof covering!

Anyway in the end we were late and I had to finish my makeup on the train congratulations

I was in a T Shirt, new shirt, it's lovely (I said didn't I lol, it's a dusky pink and white pinstripe linen, with tucks down the front, on the John Lewis site, but in blue) jeans, boots and my waxed riding coat and hat because of the rain! That station car park was flooded and R's feet got really wet (I rolled my jeans up and my boots kept me dry.

Phew what a start.

In the end we were at Wembley by 11.20 and the doors don't open until 12 (but we only have one train an hour from here) It was so cold and blustery and eventually we had to go and hide out in the Souvenir Shop am surprised they didn't throw us out!

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I can't believe you had all that rain on Saturday! We were in Southport and had a lovely day...even sunshine and quite warm!

Weren't you in a coporate box at Wembley hun?

Waits with baited breath for the next installment....

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Yes, it was a box. The weather was absolutely awful Dawn, all day except just as the second half kicked off and the sun was out very briefly.

Second installment coming up congratulations

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Duh! Just realised the game was on Sunday NOT Saturday! What am I like?
Still it wasn't so bad here on Sunday either, the South have really had it bad this winter havent' they?

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Lots and lots of uniformed staff, all very polite. Found our box and we were first there. You have a waitress waiting outside the door to escort you in, there's a little lobby with a cloakroom off and then the galley kitchen. Inside there was an 8 seater dining table and chair and it was all laid up. The walls are all covered with glossy panelling and a built in fridge, counter top and wardrobe cupboard for your outdoor stuff. There's a big plasma screen on one wall and the company logo on the other. There's a table in there with telephone and sliding patio doors with vertical blinds. The seats are two rows of four.

We had a few cups of coffee to warm up and waited for everyone to arrive. The other people were a man and his wife from the accounts department (West Ham supporters who cheered for Man U ???) A buyer from Morrisons (proper Man U supporter) and one of the company directors from near Leeds with his wife and their grown up son (all rampant Villa fans)

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DawnyDawn wrote:
Duh! Just realised the game was on Sunday NOT Saturday! What am I like?
Still it wasn't so bad here on Sunday either, the South have really had it bad this winter havent' they?

DOh! I told you were were at Bluewater on Sat congratulations
It's been absolutely terrible with rain, wind and snow Dawn.

We were amazed that they were still taking off the inflated tents over the pitch and packing away the blowers - and hoping they'd coped.

Anyway, we had loads of food, hot and cold, all served up on a buffet sideboard and hotplates.
Lamb with Moroccan spices, vegetable moussaka, green beans and sugar snap peas, saffron potatoes, tabbouleh, rocket and watercress salad, some salad with broccoli and red peppers, and a pear and stilton flan thing Oh and red or white wine (or beer or soft drinks)

We'd only finished that lot when we had to go off to watch the match.

Can you imagine the fury at THAT tackle, that resulted in a penalty, but not even a yellow card?

How we leapt and cheered at the goal YAAAAAAY.

The pitch was absolutely appalling though - men going down all over the place.

At half time we had our pudding and coffees.

Very unhappy with the result

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Sounds fab! How exciting...
My sons in a football final tonight! For his local Sunday side in Cannock (not very glam but we're all going and are excited for him)

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and finally, we left quite early but got caught up twice in 'crowd' control.
When it started to howl down again and hail, realised my beloved hat had been left behind

^ similar although no tartan on mine, I have a really nice breast cancer support pin and some feathers on the ruched side.

Anyway I've had that hat for 10 years, it keeps me dry - and, it's even survived being run over by a car (just a few tread marks on the gold quilted lining) congratulations

R rang the company director and he rescued it for me - didn't realise he had to run up three floors of escalators to do it!

So T'Hat's been awol and had a trip to Leeds and back without me.
Company Director is now my hero!

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DawnyDawn wrote:
Sounds fab! How exciting...
My sons in a football final tonight! For his local Sunday side in Cannock (not very glam but we're all going and are excited for him)

Best of luck honey - what colours do they play in? 8)

I think I bored Kijo to sleep again :Oops:

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I don't think you've bored her hun, you tell the best stories!

We watched the game, well Bob did, I was in the room and saw the foul! We believe that refs are afraid of the wrath of Alex tbh and I cannot stand the man! He reminds me of Bob's brother who I have no time for AT ALL!!

Thank goodness for your hat, I hate losing things would rather give them away.

I have no idea what colour they play in, I've never been to watch (is that really bad) but I promised him I'd go if they get to any finals. Then I come down with this bug but I still have to go...he's really excited. He's the Goally and won Players player and Managers player of the year last year! He's a lovely lad and it made his year, we're very proud of him.

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Well guys, I've had such a lazy week I really feel I need to contribute something and so I'm off to do the ironing!

I'm glad you're on the mend Gill and Kijo, don't know where you went hun but have a great weekend and I'll catch up with you soon.


Laters xx

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Oh that is something to be proud of Dawn, I was going to put their colours on later in distant support rofl, although considering I wore one burgundy coloured sock on Sunday and one blue, - maybe it's support they can do without

There were lots of incidents where the Ref seemed to have forgotten he could show a card to Man U...I think most non-Man U supporters agree with what you said about Ferguson.

Even he said Vidic was lucky not to be dismissed though - am 100% if it'd been a Villa foul, the Villa would've been playing with 10 men for 86 minutes, or whatever it was!

So - do you have any other plans this weekend?

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DawnyDawn wrote:
Well guys, I've had such a lazy week I really feel I need to contribute something and so I'm off to do the ironing!

I'm glad you're on the mend Gill and Kijo, don't know where you went hun but have a great weekend and I'll catch up with you soon.


Laters xx

Bye then Dawn.

I have some chores to do too, so will also say Bye for now

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SIB is it? ooooooh off to take a peek congratulations

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It will not let me in im getting the mayor Sad

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It will not let me in and I wanna see it my sister just phoned to say OMG have you seen the new ps!


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Hey Boogs - still here ? Are you in yet ?
The changes are a bit weird for me right now...great though as I was just moaning about "chest organisation" yesterday and here we have it. 8)

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Hi wish Im still not in

Have heard all about it though, cannot wait to see it congratulations

How are you today?

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How are you today, any better?

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bogie wrote:
Hi wish Im still not in

Have heard all about it though, cannot wait to see it congratulations

How are you today?

I'm fine thx. It took me ages to get in also, but I'm in now......and it all looks so different

Toulouse wrote:
Evening everyone

BG - how are you - ready for the weekend ?

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Wish Im just getting a white screen or the Mayor been trying for ages

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I am exhausted actually, has been a long day for me
Still having a sore throat, wish it would break through completely
But I am looking forward to tomorrow - going shopping with B (the pregnant friend) and it's been a while I saw her, so it's going to be a surprise for me to see how pregnant she is now Smile

How are you guys doing?

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bogie wrote:
Wish Im just getting a white screen or the Mayor been trying for ages

I am scared to log in.. I came home and first thing Mom said 'what a misery it was today'... So she showed me the new PS, but I am proud of her she figured everything out by herself and was able to explain everything to me!

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The look has really changed a lot I think (and not so much for the better either). I'll get used to it pretty quick I think though - although having to use the door each time I want to go home is a bit annoying. But 3k coins was a nice surprise :-)

Boogs - did you clear you cache ? it worked straight away after that for me. But LOADS of people are complaining that they can't get in Sad

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Yeah I miss the globe icon - where you could just go to any shop. Or the home icon...

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Yes me too - it's kind of annoying not to be able to just "pop" to the shops! :-)

I really don't like the look of the town either ...and no bank
I love the chest feature though Smile

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Very strange, cannot log in on my laptop, but everything went fine on Mom's computer.

I haven't even noticed there's no bank!!!
And yes - the subfolders are an awesome idea!
Wish they put back the globe though or the home.

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Evening All,

Is Boogs here, you nutter! and you too BG

Hi Wish, and anyone else I can't see on this page.

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Awww Gill! I missed you loads!!!
How are you feeling???

What what? I am completely innocent
I know NOTHING! (as Manual from Fawlty Towers would say)

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Zoonie wrote:
Evening All,

Is Boogs here, you nutter! and you too BG

Hi Wish, and anyone else I can't see on this page.

Hey - the Mayor didn't kidnap you after all LaughingLaughing

How are you ? Recovered from migraine ? Missed ya

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...............and it's 5pm............may I interest anyone in a virtual :bartend: congratulations

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Toulouse wrote:
Awww Gill! I missed you loads!!!
How are you feeling???

What what? I am completely innocent
I know NOTHING! (as Manual from Fawlty Towers would say)

:nono: I think you do young lady!

but all for your well wishes and the silliness.

Just read the blog quickly, well, skim read it - not been in PS since this morning,

You can earn 20 coins and 1 paw point per fly cleaned when washing a pet up to a maximum of 80 coins and 4 paw points.

crikey, I'm never going to take all this in with my feeble brain this week.

BG, you need to sip some hot lemon and honey drink, for your throat I mean Smile

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