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♥Chat-along March Part II♥

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Yes thats the one congratulations I know kim had one but she redecorated and I cannot find another anywhere.

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Morning, morning

Rush, rush, rush but I'm so glad I stopped by the subject is just up my street....LOL

I have never seen that cabinet before yesterday so any chance I can use the same info her Gill and Boogs (smiles the sweetest smile) Smile

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IMOM's kitchen is extra room 2, is it that one? or the one with the bluey coloured worktop?

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Sorry Paige only just seen your post, I'm glad your headache has gone

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Zoonie wrote:
IMOM's kitchen is extra room 2, is it that one? or the one with the bluey coloured worktop?

The one with the bluey coloured worktop....te he jumping on the band waggon Laughing

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No thats not the one Sad
This is the one im looking for

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bogie wrote:
hi Dawn so you think its that too congratulations

Yup! I do. But I can't find it either...it's 2008 so will be quite difficult to find, she got us again clever Kijo congratulations

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bogie wrote:
Sorry Paige only just seen your post, I'm glad your headache has gone

thats okay , thankyou

i thought i was going to participate in the hunt this week but i wont have time , and the week hasnt started off good for my head so i might just have to skip to next week , anyways i wont have time friday,saturday or sunday to work on the hunt ...

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Sorry Hi Boogs and Gill and anyone else who's around...

That's how hunting gets me, although I'm not supposed to be hunting right now but the subject caught my eye LOL

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bogie wrote:
No thats not the one Sad
This is the one im looking for

hehe i have that counter... but on my myspace pet society LaughingAshamed

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If I didn't give it away I may have one, hold on

Hiya Dawn Smile

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Sad shame you do not have the time paige.

The hunt is great fun it drives me nuts Laughing

Ive been looking for one since yesterday morning Dawn with no luck Sad

Also no 7 im sure thats in the cash shop but not something that would be diplayed Sad

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Now your just rubbing salt in the wound Paige Laughing

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bogie wrote:
Sad shame you do not have the time paige.

The hunt is great fun it drives me nuts Laughing

Ive been looking for one since yesterday morning Dawn with no luck Sad

Also no 7 im sure thats in the cash shop but not something that would be diplayed Sad

Dito Paige, you did so well last week hun but it is time/all consuming some weeks especially when you can't find the item. Last week the wanted poster drove me nuts and then yesterday ... guess what?

I FOUND IT!!! Grrrrr!

I thought that 7 was the tree fertilizer but was incorrect, I think you're right and have bought what I think it is ... and now I've *planted* it! Do you think that's correct?

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No Dawn Im thinking "GLOW" go take a peek in the cash shop & see what you think.

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I think I had two but must have given them away, still checking friends' houses!

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Ugh... would have been back sooner, but manager came over to make lovey dovey eyes at me.

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usually frannie is the one in the middle of things like this!!!

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Sorry about that had someone at the door!

Morning Kijo

Calab Laughing you eyes must be tricking you

Does your manager have a soft spot for you Kijo?

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my manager and his brother.

i think its funny.

Jamaican boys, what can you say??

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how funny them both fighting for your attention congratulations

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bogie wrote:
Sad shame you do not have the time paige.

The hunt is great fun it drives me nuts Laughing

Ive been looking for one since yesterday morning Dawn with no luck Sad

Also no 7 im sure thats in the cash shop but not something that would be diplayed Sad

sorry for the late reply ... had to go clean up some stuff

i havent quite looked at the pic , i will in a minute , ill try to identify any that u dont have

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bogie wrote:
Now your just rubbing salt in the wound Paige Laughing

hehe sorry Smile

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Laughing if the brother hears my manager was over here, he will come over ina minute..... this is the 3rd time they have came over today, and can't even make up any excuses!!

Plus, I am in a super mood, so i think its all the more funny!!!

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DawnyDawn wrote:
bogie wrote:
Sad shame you do not have the time paige.

The hunt is great fun it drives me nuts Laughing

Ive been looking for one since yesterday morning Dawn with no luck Sad

Also no 7 im sure thats in the cash shop but not something that would be diplayed Sad

Dito Paige, you did so well last week hun but it is time/all consuming some weeks especially when you can't find the item. Last week the wanted poster drove me nuts and then yesterday ... guess what?

I FOUND IT!!! Grrrrr!

I thought that 7 was the tree fertilizer but was incorrect, I think you're right and have bought what I think it is ... and now I've *planted* it! Do you think that's correct?

thanks Smile hehe yes the poster drove me nuts but eventually found it Smile
hmm i just looked at it but no7 definetly looks like growing potion to me Smile

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If i call my manager "daddy" I can get him to do anything for me.

If I call the other one sweetheart he blushes.


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Hello Kijo Smile

perfect timing i need your advice....


its for tweet .. but i dont know if its too plain , do u think i should add some sort of background to it?

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inu-kijo wrote:
If i call my manager "daddy" I can get him to do anything for me.

If I call the other one sweetheart he blushes.



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advice... or hints???


Gill, which is better? Apples or oranges???
i want to eat one, but not sure which.

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inu-kijo wrote:
If i call my manager "daddy" I can get him to do anything for me.

If I call the other one sweetheart he blushes.


Steady on, he's starting to sound a bit dodgy there!

inu-kijo wrote:

Gill, which is better? Apples or oranges???
i want to eat one, but not sure which.

Either. More fibre in an apple if you eat the skin, Vitamin C in the orange.

Eat both at some stage in the day

If you're at work eat the apple as it wont smell
or cover you in juice!

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Hmmmm..... I dunno which one i want!!!!

Laughing i know the daddy thing is a bit weird... but again. Humorous to me! Especially if I need something done that i dont want to do. I'll call him daddy anytime for that!!! : D

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Im so behind sorry, this hunt keeps side tracking me.

you must have so much fun winding them up Kijo Laughing

Paige I think it looks great just the way it is congratulations

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inu-kijo wrote:
advice... or hints???


Gill, which is better? Apples or oranges???
i want to eat one, but not sure which.

advice Smile hehe

oh if you didnt read back , i cant participate in the hunt this week , i will be too busy this week , and im not feeling to good this week , well atleast my head isnt ... not enough sleep i guess lol , sorry Sad

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bogie wrote:
Im so behind sorry, this hunt keeps side tracking me.

you must have so much fun winding them up Kijo Laughing

Paige I think it looks great just the way it is congratulations

thanks Smile
did this one with the pink sorrt of showing behind.. but didnt know what it would look like on the blue , if it looked bad or it was too thin...

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Hmmmm, i think i would like it better without the pink to be honest... at first I thought it was PNG doing those weird things it always does for me.

are you making that one for someone else?
thats sweet!!!!

Its all good about the hunt!
I jsut like to pick at you guys!!! ; D

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oh, and for the record, I got both.

and gill you will be pleased to know that I have started taking Centrum everyday as well. : D

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inu-kijo wrote:
Hmmmm, i think i would like it better without the pink to be honest... at first I thought it was PNG doing those weird things it always does for me.

are you making that one for someone else?
thats sweet!!!!

Its all good about the hunt!
I jsut like to pick at you guys!!! ; D

hehe thats what i thought Smile yeh im making it for tweet(Milena)

hehe okay Smile i promise ill play next week xx *well i hope!* Smile

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Thanks Paige!
I read you were having a headache, is it better?

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I think they look super adorable all together Paige though! Its FAB!!!

Hey my wifey!

Im having apples and oranges, you want some?
oh yeah, and you had me singing in the kitchen while making b-fast all morning, because of that song!!!

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Toulouse wrote:
Thanks Paige!
I read you were having a headache, is it better?

had one earlier in the day around 2pmish , its 7:12 pm here now Smile but it passed about an hour later so its all good

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inu-kijo wrote:
I think they look super adorable all together Paige though! Its FAB!!!

Hey my wifey!

Im having apples and oranges, you want some?
oh yeah, and you had me singing in the kitchen while making b-fast all morning, because of that song!!!

hehe thanks kijo i just love the siggy and avatar you made for Gill they look very cool xx

going to be changing my signature very soon lol but probably only till next week Smile

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What about making a fruit salad? Cut the orange and the apple (with the skin on) in pieces and mix them together! Going to make that later today as I'm craving it now!! (then again, I am hungry again so anything would be good now)

I read the song, got stuck with it now too : D

It's absolutely cold outside, but the sun is shining and that feels really good, everyone's back in a good mood and being all friendly and nice again!

Went to the garden store and the owners' cat was running around. Have to admit I was chasing the cat like a little girl Laughing (kind off though, not entirely)

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awww thanks! the map was like a spur of the moment kind of thnig, but it worked out nicely!!! I need to makes some St. Pat's day siggies soon as well.
After I made the siggyy Gill has now, i came up with a better idea, butt here is always next time she needs a nother one!! ; D

Aww Bg you are soooo cute!!!
: 3

I am glad you are feeling a bit better, and its getting warmere here too with the sun all out and everything, its GRAND.

and i just cut into slices and esting them like that. : D

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