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♥Chat-along March Part II♥

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Wish Fairy wrote:
:bartend: :bartend: :bartend: ..............???

im popping in&out wish. just doing some of my apps i have neglected for weeks Laughing

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Hey Piglet....cool - see you a little while maybe then...going to get the dinner started

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Wish Fairy wrote:
Hey Piglet....cool - see you a little while maybe then...going to get the dinner started

you making anything good? im hungry

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Wish Fairy wrote:
I;m having paprika roast chicken with roasted veg and spicey cous cous congratulations

chicken sounds ok not sure what cous cous is tho?

hey do you have any idea when kittens can leave there mother? my cat had kittens 2 1/2 weeks ago and im trying to figure out when i can advertise them for good new homes

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piglet44 wrote:
Wish Fairy wrote:
I;m having paprika roast chicken with roasted veg and spicey cous cous congratulations

chicken sounds ok not sure what cous cous is tho?

hey do you have any idea when kittens can leave there mother? my cat had kittens 2 1/2 weeks ago and im trying to figure out when i can advertise them for good new homes

Cous cous http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Couscous

Aww kittens - so cute. I have no idea when they can leave there Mom though - sorry Piglet.

My dinner;s ready - gotta go. Catch you soon

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Wish Fairy wrote:
piglet44 wrote:
Wish Fairy wrote:
I;m having paprika roast chicken with roasted veg and spicey cous cous congratulations

chicken sounds ok not sure what cous cous is tho?

hey do you have any idea when kittens can leave there mother? my cat had kittens 2 1/2 weeks ago and im trying to figure out when i can advertise them for good new homes

Cous cous http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Couscous

Aww kittens - so cute. I have no idea when they can leave there Mom though - sorry Piglet.

My dinner;s ready - gotta go. Catch you soon

enjoy your dinner wish

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Oh Piglet, ideally 12 weeks is the best time for both the mother and kittens, as kittens learn a lot from their mothers.

They should be weened from their mother's milk by about 8 weeks.

So, depending on the kind of homes they're going to 10 weeks onwards I'd say, if that helps.

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Zoonie wrote:
Hello Smile

hello zoonie. sorry was switching over to son as he is at dads this week so im left to do visits

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Zoonie wrote:
Oh Piglet, ideally 12 weeks is the best time for both the mother and kittens, as kittens learn a lot from their mothers.

They should be weened from their mother's milk by about 8 weeks.

So, depending on the kind of homes they're going to 10 weeks onwards I'd say, if that helps.

ty for that info zoonie. i tried to google for info and kept getting weird stuff

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Eeek at the weird stuff, hope that helps Piggly?

Am cooking anyway, so no worries. How's your day?

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Zoonie wrote:
Eeek at the weird stuff, hope that helps Piggly?

Am cooking anyway, so no worries. How's your day?

what you cooking?

been pretty decent day so far. its 55 degrees out&sunny again,neighbor gave me laptop to use for few hours again today and regina suprised the heck out of me by giving me a throne as i said hers looked nice in the setup she had.
oh and i plan to take dogs on another 30 minute walk as soon as landlord comes to grab rent around 4:30 so cant ask for much better than that Smile

how was your day?

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I had a quiet day really, but no fuss suits me lol.

Just been chatting with my French friend on Skype, we're real life friends, she lives in the UK, and we're really close, like sisters, I really love her.

I'm cooking linguine with bolognaise, cos I like linguine better than spaghetti - such a rebel, lol.

Am pleased you got use of the laptop a bit longer.

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Zoonie wrote:
I had a quiet day really, but no fuss suits me lol.

Just been chatting with my French friend on Skype, we're real life friends, she lives in the UK, and we're really close, like sisters, I really love her.

I'm cooking linguine with bolognaise, cos I like linguine better than spaghetti - such a rebel, lol.

Am pleased you got use of the laptop a bit longer.

can you speak french?

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Sadly, no - very little.
But my friend Sarah came to University in England and met her Dutch husband there. She worked as a French teacher in senior school and he's fluent in 5 or 6 languages (I forget how many)
I understand a little in French, and Spanish, but am too shy to try speaking it much as I always think my accent is appalling lol

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Zoonie wrote:
Sadly, no - very little.
But my friend Sarah came to University in England and met her Dutch husband there. She worked as a French teacher in senior school and he's fluent in 5 or 6 languages (I forget how many)
I understand a little in French, and Spanish, but am too shy to try speaking it much as I always think my accent is appalling lol

wow 5 or 6 languages thats amazing.
i wish i learned a 2nd language while in school. i can understand a little of spanish myself mostly swear words or basic words as i often have had spanish neighbors,hung around with the spanish kids in school and my aunt&sister married spanish men.more than speaking spanish i wish i could could some of the dishes as i love the spanish rice&beans Laughing

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Right, am back ....oh and Piglet is still here - great :-)

Hi Gill - how is everything ?

The Dutch - they always speak so many languages - do you think it's becuase someone took their consonants away LOL

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We cook a lot of mainland European dishes here, so close you see..but all you need is a good cookery book.
We cook Italian, Spanish, French, Greek, Portuguese, Indian, Thai, Mexican and Tex/Mex - all kinds of styles really.

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Sad i gotta head out in a minute as kid i babysit for is due home from school soon. then gotta clean out fridge&clean cat box (trash day tomorrow) and food shopping tomorrow or thursday as son's home this weekend and i gotta restock fridge Laughing guess then ill take dogs out for another 30 minute walk around neighborhood as its nice out again.
man so many things to do and so little time or energy

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ok im off. have a good night you 2 and hope to see you soon <3

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Ok so you tired me out already!
Have a good day Piggly - am going to serve dinner now xxx

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Dropped in to say hello! Hope everyone is well. Take care and hope to catch up soon.

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stopping by for a little bit gonna need to take a nap pretty soon.

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no honey ...... I am here ..... looking at 400 pieces of e-mail ........ lol

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I missed you tooooooo.....

I got a computer virus while I was in TN and could not go online .....

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I know ..... macs don't get virus's ......

Ken told me...... Thanks for checking up on me ...

It was very lonely with no computer ....... I have a virus that keeps telling me I have a virus ...... it is crazy ......

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you haven't fixed it yet??

sorry i am not around I am pretty handy at fixing things. ; D

i never really got the point of viruses..... unless you just get a kick out of being a D^%(

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I was at my mom's and didn't really have the time to devote to troubleshooting it ...

I have run the scan several times and it can't find anything.. Ken wants me to install Norton on it and let it take care of it ... but I don't like norton ... I think it is a virus itself ...

I agree ..... why get your jollies by hurting someone else ...

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Laughing Jollies

Norton is pretty good.

there is also McAffee.....

But you do have to be careful about downloading antiviruses, cause you can get a virus disguised as one.....

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Yeah, I know .... I am going to try a restore .... and see if that works, then maybe I can get rid of the virus with a tool ....

The thing abot Norton is it is always doing stuff in the background and it slows mhy computer down .. I have it here ...

I was looking for mp3's when I got the bug ...

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: /

Its so easy to get virus now a days, you can get it by practically doing nothing.

and yeah. I don't like it when it runs in the background all the time either....

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Hi Mindy ...... Love the crazy cat lady ........ Smile

My mom needed some dance music ... yes, that sounds strange ... My mom is an adult helper for a group that promotes activities for handicapped children and they are having a dance this saturday .... I was looking for the chicken dance song .....

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now you are never going to get that your of your head ......

remember to do the motions to ...... I was sitting in a chair going through the motions -- as best as I could -- and had my mom rolling ....

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Thanks Tanya, I bet you can guess who made it for me??? Laughing

Sorry you're having virus problems, I use the AVG free download for my antivirus. Kazaa really screwed up my computer a few years back.

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he he he ..... I hated that I got the virus ...

I think that is a great song and the kids would have loved it ...

I helped get ready though ... I made the corsages ...

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Mindy ...... Yes, I recognize the writing ..... Laughing

She does beautiful work !!

I love AVG ..... I have it on my lappy and this crazy virus got through it .... I had AVG on my desktop till hubby insisted I change to Norton because he did ....

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Laughing Kazaa wow! haven't heard of that place in YEARS!
I remember using that thing.

So Tan Tan, how are you????
Gosh you have NO IDEA how much I missed you!!!

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I am doing good ..... tired .... It was a long exhausting week .. I managed not to alienate any of my uncle's children ... I know that made Momma happy ... I enjoyed my time with my Mother, but we were both emotionally exhausted ...

How have you been ?? any news from the DR??

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I was looking for mp3's for cute songs for the kids .... I don't remember downloading anything .... well, anything suspicious ... I did download a couple of things, but they were from a site that I had been to before ...

Now I keep getting these pop-up things that tell me I have 23 viruses on my computer .... I have to subscribe to this microsoft virus protection .... my information is at risk ..... very dire .....

I turned it off ......

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