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wts my fox for cc...pls help

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need to buy the easter items...this 1 is my last fox Sad pls offer

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i just want 24cc for it thats all....pls help me out sm1 please................havn got any 4999s

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aww....thank u..........for responding at least wid a bump...feels lot better...
hopes up and finger crossed SmileSmile
ive been posting in playfish forum as well.....they would buy the fox for 60x4999s but no ones givin any cc.

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i know...u can easily sell a fox for 60x4999s...but after this week...itll be hard for every1 except for those who hav cc to trade foxes...

@Foxpoly....that was funny...

i just sold my last spare fox to u didn i.......... SmileSmile

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i would take it.. but i ran out of cc.... D:

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